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Thursday, 24 February 2005


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Sit down with a stiff drink, David - I agree with you!

It's a type of democracy led by opinion polls, focus groups and marketing - democracy supermarket-style. I'm sure we could do it better somehow.

Thing is they only take our opinion into account when it suits them - when it comes to bombing the middle east and getting rid of our civil liberties, THEN all of a sudden it's time for strong leadership!

Well, we *almost* agree!

No-one is entirely good or evil, including Mr. Blair. He and his apparatchiks, particularly the malign, Alistair Campbell, are a pretty despicable bunch, and yet, and yet....

Suddenly, in regard to Iraq, he acted on principle. It may not be a principle with which you agree, but, had I known what was coming, I would have put the deeds of the house that he would trimmed and followed the European fashion. After all, consider the risks he took - splitting his party, splitting the country, the possible electoral back-lash - and yet he stuck to his guns, or to be precise, he stuck to George Bush's Colt .45! I repeat, you may not agree with the policy, but it took real political guts and drive to push it through. That is, I suppose, an example of the paradox that is human nature. Shakespeare would have smiled at the irony! If only the other 95% of his administration had been as forceful and dynamic.

I shall write further on the subject of modern democracy and its inherent weaknesses, but first, I want to re-read "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" by James Fitzjames Stephen to clarify what passes for my brain!

There's three reasons why politician are rubbish.

Firstly MP's salaries are nowhere near enough to attract people intelligent and experienced enough to do the job properly.

Secondly the party structures reward people who are prepared to spend years stuffing envelopes and doorstepping morons. Nobody with talent would do this.

Thirdly the electorate are stupid. Adopting the long term planning and short term investment required to run the country properly would be electoral suicide.

Taking your points in order, I'm not sure the money has anything to do with it. They earn a tremendous amount these days compared to the past, but the quality is getting worse.

The party structures might well have something to do with it, in that it rewards, potentially, the 'Yes-men' and penalises anyone capable of original thought.

Your third point rang warning bells in my head, quite apart from the fact that telling the voters they are stupid is not perhaps the best way to get into power. I assume from you remarks that you are in favour of spending even more of my money than the current set of rascals do already, and that there exists some great, over-arching plan that will lead us all to Utopia. I'm afraid that has been tried before and very definitely led to tears before bedtime! And when did you hear of any politician with a plan worth a damn?

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