Today I started receiving visits from people who had obviously clicked on a link from a site run by a rather fat, weedy, spotty, little lesbian of uncertain personal hygeine, dressed, no doubt, in her pyjamas, who goes under the name of - wait for it, folks - 'Hungbunny'! ( 'Geddit'?) Some-one had made a reference to me and my site and 'Hungbunny' came out fighting (please don't laugh because she's very sensitive) with this burp of witless, crass, illiterate oafishness, "Come the revolution that Duff cunt's first against the wall". (Yes, you can tell she's a product of our very wonderful 'edukashun' service, can't you?) I responded, matters escalated, and then, utterly predictably, I was banned, my last comment being, " Ah! Another one who can dish it out but can't take it. There, there, Diddums!"
So far, so tedious, but I would like you, dear readers, to dwell on the possibility, no, probability, that today 'Hungbunny' represents the very 'Best of Britain' with her peculiar mix of ignorant, bullying, loud-mouthed yobbishness partly hiding a pathetic, paltry, quivering cowardice, the very stuff of which Commissars, Gauleiters and concentration camp guards are made.
Hate to disappoint you, but Hungbunny is all man.
Posted by: John Cancer | Sunday, 25 June 2006 at 00:43
Only according to 'her'!
Posted by: David Duff | Sunday, 25 June 2006 at 08:35
A recent experience inside a so-called 'Working Man's Club' would tend to bear out your observations regarding ignorance, loud-mouths and yobbishness! (you must understand I was visiting as part of my job; normally, I wouldn't be seen within a mile of any such gathering,)
The conversations, if they could be named such, consisted mainly of obscenities, vulgarity and a demonstration of a general lack of either education, breeding, manners or humour; and that was only from the WOMEN!
And these cretins have exactly the same voting power as myself!
Posted by: genghis | Sunday, 25 June 2006 at 09:23
I think you were actually banned for overuse of exclamation marks! Which is fair enough, really! Don't you think!?!!?
Posted by: N.I.B. | Sunday, 25 June 2006 at 09:30