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Thursday, 13 July 2006


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Well if there was enough demand, they'd do any or all of those things. Simple economics, innit?

Spot on N.I.B.: “simple economics” will probe every possibility.

And as we look back and observe that Alton Towers has offered us 6,000 “Capitalist fun days” and 1 “Muslim fun day”; and The Dome has offered us 365 “(National) Socialist fun days” to date, there’ll be no prizes for guessing the marketers’ conclusions about we punters’ “simple economic” demands.

Son of Duff

Half-way through I thought this was a bit below par even for the 'Nonsense' but then at the end I saw the author's nom-de-keyboard. Say no more!

"about we punters’....": David, give him a cuff and teach him English.

Larry: Was it really that bad? Feel free to elaborate, if you wish! Right now I’m on the wrong end of a litre of home-made Moravian wine (it’s going to hurt in the morning!) and therefore very feak and weeble…

Pedant’s Apprentice: Grammar? Schwammer! I blame my Socialist state education and Pater for not getting his cheque book out… Did I at least get all the apostrophes right in “there’ll be no prizes for guessing the marketers’ conclusions about we punters’ “simple economic” demands”?

Son of Duff

The apostrophes might have been right, but I still can't work out what the point was.

Seems like you're making a big fuss about a bit of 'market segmentation' to me!

"Socialist fun day" would have all of us hand-in-hand dancing together through green fields filled with red flowers singing the Internationale and waving red flags, with a bunch of hot hippie chicks scantily clad of course, and beer!

Reasoninrevolt: After all these years of dialectical inquiry leading me unswervingly to a Liberal conclusion - and now you've converted me in one sentence!

May I be allowed one grubby market deal before I sign up?

You wave the red flag, pick the flowers and sing the Internationale and I'll unclad the scantilies and quoff the beer!

Son of Duff

Btw: scantilies *and* beer - so much better than 72 virgins, eh?


Son of Duff

> Larry: Was it really that bad? Feel free to elaborate, if you wish!

Well let me just check that I've understood your point correctly - to summarise, you're saying:

"A Muslim fun day?? A MUSLIM FUN DAY??&%?!? How about A *NAZI* FUN DAY then?!!?$?*&!@#!!?"

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