Sorry, the post below is an extract from the programme notes for my forthcoming production. I copied and pasted from 'Word' which appears to upset 'Typepad's' indigestion so I apologise for the poor layout.
For an enjoyable, witty and succinct commentary on Nietzsche, who was a loony; and his sympathisers, like Ibsen, who try but fail to hide their looniness, do please visit 'Deogulwulf' and his post entitled "Unsound Old Egg".
Additional: As I am, alas, in full-on theatrical mode at the moment, I thought some of you, like me, would enjoy this site which acts as an instant antidote to any thespian preciousness that might arise. He's been lurking in my 'Favourites' list for months but I haven't read him for ages which is silly because he makes me laugh.
I have had only one ghost experience, but it was very interesting. :-)
Thought I'd come and take refuge today as I have had a 'forty emails from North' morning. I responded to her post saying how dare you honour the unpardoned soldier, when you treated me, an agent's daughter, so dreadfully while my father is dying? She didn't justify her behaviour-or even print the short post I sent- but I have received a plethora of emails this morning. \not one contained an apology, or even anything like it.
Grr fume- Saturday morning isn't a time for nutbag mails! :-) No I take it back- it has gone on all day!
Posted by: fjl | Saturday, 26 August 2006 at 16:03
I'm not sure *this* site is teh best place to take refuge in - it can get quite noisy round here sometimes!
Posted by: David Duff | Sunday, 27 August 2006 at 15:12
Noticed your comment on another blog and popped over to check-out yours.
Had to say I love your quote up-top. It is just a perfect explaination/exposition.
Posted by: Amy | Sunday, 27 August 2006 at 20:25
Amy, you are very welcome. Come back and visit any time you like.
Posted by: David Duff | Sunday, 27 August 2006 at 20:50