I should and will begin immediately by confessing that my knowledge of Venezuela could be written in plain text with a 16-font on the back of a postage stamp. But even so, one does not require geo-political knowledge of that benighted land to instantly recognise that president Chavez is a gangster-thief in a long line of other South American gangster-thieves that have plagued that impoverished but potentially wealthy continent for decades. It matters not a fig whether they are nominally of the Right or the Left; thievery and gangsterism need no political labels - except, of course, for fooling purblind fools! Always plenty of them, I find, and indeed a perfect specimen called Dan has written a broken-hearted piece over at The Fruits of our Labour entitled "It's all gone wrong". Indeed it has and it will go on getting even 'wronger' until Chavez is replaced, almost certainly by something even worse. I look forward to receiving apologies from all those Lefties who heaped abuse upon my shrivelled frame when I dared to point out the screamingly obvious - but I'm not holding my breath!
"instantly recognise"?
Instantly? So what gives it away? The shape of his head? The colour of his skin? The overwhelming support of the ordinary Venezualan people? What?
Anyway, I'd have thought you'd be lauding Chavez for busting up strikes. You're a trade union supporter now, too? It's tough to keep up with you sometimes, David.
Posted by: Bob | Thursday, 24 August 2006 at 12:58
"it will go on getting even 'wronger' until Chavez is replaced, almost certainly by something even worse."
UMMM... Surely it would get even 'wronger' if he was replaced by something worse?
(Cue the 'nit picking' put down...)
Posted by: N.I.B. | Friday, 25 August 2006 at 08:22
"Broken-hearted"? Ho ho. I think my original response to your comment was fairly explanatory of my position.
Just because you have this obsessive hatred of Hugo Chavez, Duff, is no reason to presume I am a starry-eyed believer in the power of one man to save Venezuela from poverty and equality, and to make everything 'nice'. Chavez is a generally Bonapartist figure, expressing the demands of Venezuela's competing social classes to varying extents. He is neither the messiah nor is he pure evil. The state is more than its head.
The difference between us is in what we want to replace Chavez with: I want an extension of his social-democratic policies and the empowerment of the poor, the landless and workers. You want a society dedicated to killing puppies and mugging old women. Don't deny it now!
Seriously, good to see you're still about, Duff. You old reactionary.
Posted by: Dan | Saturday, 26 August 2006 at 03:17
Er, heh, I meant *inequality*. Obviously.
Posted by: Dan | Saturday, 26 August 2006 at 03:21
Reference: South American gangster-thieves
You mean http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caudillo>Caudillo I suppose. The wikpedia article is rather sugar coated.
Orginally a charismatic leader (the man on horseback) who fancies himself a general and obtained power by dubious means. In the new tradition of Castro, Allende, and a few others Chevez realizes that left wing cant works much better than horseback.
With all due respect to the good in mistaken intentions of our left leaning friends, Chevez claiming their ideals is a mockery.
http://workmall.com/wfb2001/venezuela/venezuela_history_a_century_of_caudillismo.html>Venezuela A Century Of Caudillismo
Posted by: Hank | Sunday, 27 August 2006 at 04:13