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Thursday, 26 April 2007


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It can join War and Peace on my retirement reading list. I have always supected that the Appeasers were guilty only of bad judgement - they just didn't realise how unusually evil Hitler was. Some of the other anti-rearmament politicians of the time were either guilty of being near-bonkers - I am thinking of pacifists - or of treason; here I'm thinking of parts of The Left. They didn't want re-armament, I presume, in case the weapons might eventually be used against their beloved Soviet Union. But I think that we should sympathise with a generation who were still shaken by the slaughter in the first war. We need only contemplate how dreadful American decision-making has been since the death of only 3000 people on 9/11. Or even since the death of a few tens of thousands (of Americans) in Vietnam.

I've always had a bit of sympathy for Chamberlain - I doubt there's been another PM placed in such a horrendous situation.

Still, I bet he felt like a bit of a twat the way things turned out, eh?

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