This is my amateur effort to keep track of the men, women and children murdered in the UK during the 12 months from May 17th 2007. I will update it regularly until it is about to 'drop off' the bottom of the page when I will re-post it. For my purposes, adults are 17 yrs or more, children are 16 yrs or less:
updated 3rd July:
58 men (1 policeman): 19 women: 12 children:
(Notes: Perhaps these statistics are a little dry and need spicing up with a piece of (in)human interest. One of the murders listed under "Children" was a 16-year old lad from Beckenham who was set upon by a gang of 15 similarly aged youngsters who beat him, stabbed him, stamped on his head and finally threw him onto some spiked railings upon which he was impaled and subsequently died. Now what's that phrase? No, don't tell me, it'll come ... ah yes, I remember, "Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime." Some one pass the sick-bag!)
In response to a question from a commenter, my source is the BBC news site. I exclude all deaths due to what would normally be called an accident even if the eventual charge might be manslaughter. I only report those deaths in which the police are looking for perpetrators, that is, the death arose directly because of deliberate actions by third parties. Again, some might end up being charged with manslaughter but, as I once heard an old-style copper say, "Never mind the legal jargon, just count the bodies!"
Additional: For those seeking even more clarification of what I mean by 'murder' please read my reply to the first comment here.
The thought of seeing another net solar absorption isobar is almost enough to make one into an ardent HAF. Except after one has spent a collage course reading about then in poorly translated Russian or accurately translated poorly written Russian or both, I really wonder how man could have enough effect to create extreme Global warming.
Posted by: Hank | Thursday, 28 June 2007 at 04:06
Can you publish a list of links to these stories?
Posted by: N.I.B. | Thursday, 28 June 2007 at 22:45
No, 'NIB', because I lift the bare statistics straight from the regional pages of the BBC News site on a day-by-day basis. However, I keep a brief written log of them and the story concerning the 14-year old murdered by a gang was reported on Monday morning so it probably occurred on Sat or Sun of the weekend 23/24 June. It took place in Beckenham, south London.
Posted by: David Duff | Thursday, 28 June 2007 at 23:51
Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, Ctrl-S. That's all you need to do, David.
Posted by: N.I.B. | Friday, 29 June 2007 at 00:15
I am assuming that you are trying to be helpful, 'NIB', but I haven't the faintest idea what all that means. However, I did just find this and you should read the little box in the centre of the page detailing 7 murders in London in the last 8 days; 5 stabbed, 2 shot:
Posted by: David Duff | Friday, 29 June 2007 at 00:21
I was suggesting you could copy the links into a document as you go, and post it here. I'm not accusing you of making stuff up, but I do believe it to be imperative that you
offer up complete disclosure of your source material for critical assessment.
Posted by: N.I.B. | Friday, 29 June 2007 at 00:39
I *have* 'offered up complete disclosure of my source material', 'NIB', so if you want to check it , go look for yourself instead of wasting my time.
Posted by: David Duff | Friday, 29 June 2007 at 08:48
Oooh - touchy.
"Thanks for the suggestion, but sorry, I didn't think of that and it's too late now" might have been a more graceful response.
Posted by: N.I.B. | Friday, 29 June 2007 at 09:20