Up yer junta! How much do you know about the continent of South America? For myself, I must confess it is not much more than my idle perception that their men should shave more often, Brazilian women have exceedingly beautiful 'botties and boobs' and are not shy in flaunting them and their 'footie' players are really rather good. And that's it! But as 'that woman' found out in the '80s, it behoves us all to keep a rather closer eye on a huge continent stuffed full of things we want and need, and which is capable of giving us an unpleasant surprise if and when the coffee hits the fan. According to an article in today's Telegraph by Daniel Hannon MEP, whilst we have been otherwise occupied, virtually every country in South America has slid into Left-wing dictatorship. According to Hannon, "Ten years ago, every country in South America with the arguable exception of my native Peru, was a liberal democracy. Not any more." Bolivia and Ecuador have followed the lead of that gangster, Chavez in Venezuela, and sacked their supreme courts, dissolved their legislatures and summoned constituent assemblies to 'refound' their republics on socialist principles. Columbia is the only country not in the hands of the authoritarian Left. What is more sinister, especially for the USA, is the fact that many of these regimes are being financed and supported by Russia, China and, worst of all, Iran.
"The very model of a modern Major-General": As an ex-squaddie, no one is quicker than me to bemoan the general dilapidation of our armed services. However, I remain underwhelmed by the chorus of former top brass who, having greased their way up to the very highest ranks without, apparently, even murmuring a hint of disapproval, have now come out, after checking that their huge pensions are safe, and laid into the government for its failures. If the likes of Gen. Jackson had resigned when he was in the top job the impact might have had some effect. Now they all look and sound like a chorus of stage Cassandras who have made a late entrance.
Tone's triumph turns belly up: No doubt Mr. Blair's forthcoming memoirs will feature his triumph in sending British troops into Kosovo in order to save the majority population of ethnic Albanian Muslims from being expelled by the Serbs. Now, as surely as night follows day, the minority Serbs are about to be expelled, or worse, by their former 'victims'. Next month, the British army, as if it didn't have enough on its hands, has to provide the reserve force for the NATO 'peace-keeping' force. Serbians are already packing their bags ready to flee, and Serbian paramilitaries are hiding weapons in the forests. Needless to say, the Russians are expressing their support for their Serbian cousins so we find ourselves embroiled in what may be a very serious Balkan imbroglio. Well done, Mr. Blair, and I hope you win a Nobel Peace Prize - you utterly vain, brainless twerp.
'Blogger' is bloody awful: As some of you may know, I often visit other blogs and occasionally I leave comments. As often as not my comments result in me being banned - but that is another story. I have noticed just recently that if you leave a comment on a site run by 'Blogger', it is impossible to leave the address of your own site if it is not a 'Blogger' site! This is not quite an outrage, one must not over-state the case, but it is exceedingly irritating, because I have discovered most of my favourite writers by reading the comments they have left elsewhere, and following the link back to their home sites. I also suspect that many of my readers have come here because of something I have written elsewhere. Surely, this free-flow of communication and connection is what the world-wide web is supposed to offer. Now 'Blogger' has tried to curb it, so I duly give notice that from now on I intend to leave my link-address at the end of any comments I leave on a 'Blogger' site.
The Artisan: In a thread down below, a writer calling himself "The Artisan" has been giving me a hard time on the vexed subject of capital punishment. He writes in a sharp, clear, punchy style, very much to the point and never allowing me too much wriggle-room. However, he does all this without recourse to insults or obscenities. Oh, that all such exchanges could be conducted thus!
Re: Blogger
I didn't realise that. Feel free to leave a link. I shall contact blogger to complain though really what do I expect for nothing!
Posted by: Clairwil | Sunday, 02 December 2007 at 20:58
That Blogger effort is indeed a bit shit - it never used to be that way, my New Zealand travel blog was on Blogger and used to have the option 'Other' where you entered email and web details as necessary.
Posted by: Ben | Sunday, 02 December 2007 at 22:29
Could you enter your blog URL as nickname??? have you tried that?
I guess this move is to stop spammers, money blogger links and linked libels.
But it's not good.
Posted by: Chris Paul | Monday, 03 December 2007 at 00:10
Chris, thank you, what a brilliant and simple idea, I shall try it instantly.
Posted by: David Duff | Monday, 03 December 2007 at 08:58
Chris, I tried it over at Clairwil's place but it still doesn't link automatically. Very irritating!
Posted by: David Duff | Monday, 03 December 2007 at 09:30
Yes this Blogger thing is very annoying. Best thing I can think of is to go to this page and complain via the "Suggest A New Feature" box at the bottom of the page.
Posted by: Larry Teabag | Monday, 03 December 2007 at 14:44
Thanks, Larry, see post above.
Posted by: David Duff | Monday, 03 December 2007 at 19:38
I've sort of resigned my self to the Blogger support being what I pay for it.
On the other hand the price is right. And they have gotten better in some areas.
Posted by: Hank | Tuesday, 04 December 2007 at 01:01
I've sort of resigned my self to the Blogger support being what I pay for it.
On the other hand the price is right. And they have gotten better in some areas.
Posted by: Hank | Tuesday, 04 December 2007 at 01:03