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Sunday, 02 December 2007


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Re: Blogger
I didn't realise that. Feel free to leave a link. I shall contact blogger to complain though really what do I expect for nothing!

That Blogger effort is indeed a bit shit - it never used to be that way, my New Zealand travel blog was on Blogger and used to have the option 'Other' where you entered email and web details as necessary.

Could you enter your blog URL as nickname??? have you tried that?

I guess this move is to stop spammers, money blogger links and linked libels.

But it's not good.

Chris, thank you, what a brilliant and simple idea, I shall try it instantly.

Chris, I tried it over at Clairwil's place but it still doesn't link automatically. Very irritating!

Yes this Blogger thing is very annoying. Best thing I can think of is to go to this page and complain via the "Suggest A New Feature" box at the bottom of the page.

Thanks, Larry, see post above.


I've sort of resigned my self to the Blogger support being what I pay for it.

On the other hand the price is right. And they have gotten better in some areas.


I've sort of resigned my self to the Blogger support being what I pay for it.

On the other hand the price is right. And they have gotten better in some areas.

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