Regular readers will know that I am constantly underwhelmed with the calibre of our unelected judges. One only has to read of that abject failure, Judge Beverley 'Cocklecarrot' Lunt, to know that many of them combine arrogance, stupidity and dereliction of duty to a degree unsurpassed anywhere else in our civic life. Even those slimy rascals in parliament occasionally have the stones beneath which they hide moved away so that we can gain a quick glimpse of their ne'er-do-well ways before they scuttle for cover, and at least (for now!), they have to come back to us every five years to explain themselves. If I was a classicist like my e-friend 'Dearieme' I would remember and use that Latin tag which translates roughly as 'who judges the judges' and thus provide this post with an entirely spurious air of learning. The fact is that no-one does. Once they have their useless bums on the bench they are virtually irremovable.
Thus, today, we have the sight and sound of 'Cpl. Cocklecarrot' Justice Collins opining that sending soldiers into war without the right equipment could infringe their human rights. I would wager a fair amount that 'Cocklecarrot' Collins wouldn't know a bandolier from a base-plate. Also, it is obvious that he doesn't know that sending soldiers into battle without the right kit is an age-old custom of the Defence Ministry, at least as old as the British army, and that it is not always the fault of the 'Blimps' and 'Brass' who work there, dim though they be on occasions. Almost always it is the fault of, well, you, actually, and you, and you over there trying not to be noticed. Yes, you, you 'orrible lot, the British taxpayers! You would rather vote in politicians who will spend your money on outreach counsellors for single-parent lesbian cripples, than have it used to buy the latest equipment for our troops. Remember a few years ago when 'Hash Broon' stood up in parliament and threw your money around like a drunken sailor at those great sink-holes of greed and uselessness, the NHS ("The Envy of the World") and the 'Edukashun Servis' whose illiterate and innumerate products can be seen loitering around every high street and shopping mall in the country? You cheered then, didn't you? What a nice man, you thought. And you might also have frowned a tiny bit, but probably you didn't even notice, because the defence budget had been trimmed - again; well, not to worry, eh? As our American friends put it so well, just more of the same old, same old. Kipling summed it up beautifully nearly 120 years ago (read the whole wonderful poem here):
- For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' 'Chuck him out, the brute!'
But it's 'Saviour of 'is country' when the guns begin to shoot;
The likes of 'Cocklecarrot' Collins and the other slimy Left-wing, liberal activists who have smarmed their way up the legal ladder couldn't care less about 'Tommy Atkins', all they want is a big stick with which to beat up the British army - as though it didn't have enough troubles! These 'Cocklecarrots' have no more idea what equipment is best, or worse, or value for money than the head of the Womens Institute, yet here they are trying to inveigle there way in to destroy military discipline and military justice, not least, of course, because of the zillions to be made by their greedy fellow practitioners who are already licking their fat chops at the prospect. No doubt they'll soon have their 'stringers' hanging around barracks and military hospitals but you can bet the deeds of your house that that is as close to the front line as they'll ever get!
(And, yes, my cold is worse not better - thank you for asking - and, yes, I am in real snapping and snarling mode because of it!)
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