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Sunday, 27 April 2008


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Oh Yes! A major right of spring which, as each of us males grow older, our female masters relish the increasing ease of punishment available.
I just wish to observe that while recently in at a nice country house for a wedding just outside of Broadway I marveled at the ingenuity of the gardener in randomly planting spring flowering things all across an otherwise acceptable lawn. I thought to myself then about what torture it would be to mow. It seems there must be an "English Johnny Appleseed" gaily prancing about the UK planting churchyards and otherwise perfectly uniform green spaces with spring flowers in completely random patterns that will double or even triple the effort to mow.

Quite so, but it's not just the bunches of flowers, it's all those blasted grave stones - soooo inconvenient! As I pointed out to the vicar when we arrived here, despite the entirely spurious claims of the Archbishop of Canterbury, I look upon this particular churchyard as my front garden. He only smiles at me rather distantly now and only because I cut his grass!

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