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Tuesday, 29 April 2008


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Thanks for the warning David. Actually it had already occurred to me.

The fact that this idiotic new law will apparently ban "acts which... appear to result... in, serious injury to a person's anus... this could include the insertion of sharp objects" got me thinking of the opening scene of Evil Aliens, which features a really horrible anal drilling sequence. Presumably this will now be illegal, and anyone who owns the Evil Aliens DVD can look forward to a stretch in chokey. Incidentally I can highly recommend Evil Aliens, I think you'd enjoy it enormously.

I don't think so, Larry, because I've only just got over the shock of discovering, in my innocent ignorance, how they check for an inflamed appendix - and that was 50 years ago. My eyes are still watering!

Anyway, don't you worry about your little secret, it's safe with me, I'm no snitch; but if you do end up spending some time at Her Majesty's pleasure you can rely on me to send you a cake!

Whilst I am not privy to all your new laws I can tell from the American perspective that every attempt to legislate morality has ended in a lot people being mistreated very gravely by the government up and until an elected politico is found participating in the targeted behavior.
It is quite the joke in my circle of friends(both Brit and American) that I consider any movie more violent than "Mary Poppins" unacceptable as entertainment.
Good luck in defining "extreme porn" by the way it ought to give your public officials hundreds of hours of "entertainment" while feeding at the public trough.

Quite so, 'FM', but your 'pols' lack the imagination and flair that ours possess when it comes to putting "extreme pornography into practice. And for real sexual ambition you can never beat a good old Tory grandee with a title: "4 girls, one gigolo and a tri-lingual bisexual".

Incidentally, one of the minor pleasures of the British gutter press is their excellent wit - they called this Tory lord by the name of a stock character from pantomime - Baron Hard Up!

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