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Wednesday, 16 April 2008


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I decided that Apocalypse was at hand and took an early retirement offer. At least I got my tax-free lump sum so that I could clear almost all our debts, and got the pension into payment. This may prove to be an ultra daft move, of course; who knows? We've had a decent loft ladder installed so that we can conveniently store tinned food, and we're going to cultivate the kitchen garden more productively. We may eat an awful lot of Jerusalem artichoke soup next winter.

Shrewd move, 'DM'.

Never tried Artichoke soup. I guess, it's possible to eat anything, at the time of birch skin or artichokes...

I think I will move to mid-continent. Where they still have underground bunkers, remnants of the 50's, with built-in perimeter shelves for suplies and autonomic alarm system. And it's invisible for Google Maps. Yeah, that would be money wisely spent.
Of course, I'll have to learn how to drive. And shoot rifles. And acquire some useful profession...who needs an interior designer in the wilderness?

I shouldn't worry too much, Tatyana, I have the distinct impression that you are invulnerable - with or without a rifle!

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