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Monday, 28 April 2008


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Of course the "open his mouth and let his belly rumble which is actually rather refreshing when contrasted to the ultra-careful mumblings of other MPs terrified of upsetting their PR advisers... and all the usual po-faced suspects leaped up and down screeching imprecations" defence works equally well in Ken's favour.

Yes, I agree, which is why I am so surprised that so many people are fooled by Livingstone. But when he openly admits (boasts?), as he did on the BBC debate, that he had conned the government and Londoners over the Olympics bid, then you don't need to be po-faced to leap up and down, merely be a council tax-payer.

I will add one more thing concerning Livingstone which I meant to put in my main post, and that is that he gives the impression of being weary of it all. He has taken a severe hammering on an almost daily basis by the Evening Standard (for the benefit of my American readers, the Right-wing London paper owned by the Daily Mail Group) and he looks and sounds tired and dispirited.

It will be interesting to see if the City centre Muslim vote, which will be as crooked as a corkscrew, beats the recently energised Tory vote from the London suburbs. We shall see.

"This election...comes at a time when our prime minister stands exposed as a blustering but weak and vacillating incompetent."

To be fair, there's pretty much no time since he ascended to the throne that that hasn't been true.. ;)

Crikey, Julia, I wouldn't wish to cross swords with you when you're being unfair!

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