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Sunday, 13 July 2008


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Oh God! What have I done/ not done now?

Fear not! Sheer braggadocio - see above.

Sorry for late reply: was preoccupied with trying to understand where the things are stashed in Wordpress (started new blog on their platform) and thus cut down on the surfing time.

There is a number of Russian expressions conveying general meaning of your proposition; nothing literal comes to mind, though, and what does is not suited for present [polite] company. Besides, Russian takes pride in extending the expression you use 2 words for into 2 pages; what would happen to your bandwidth?

Not to worry but I expect it sounds like: Noshterzeroknigradkopski!

Mmm...that sounds Magyar to me.
Actually, I can think of at least one 3-word Russian version, but I wouldn't dare to teach you that; given the current state of civil interaction in UK, I'd hate to be the cause of annoyance for some Russian thug you might anger.

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