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Monday, 27 October 2008


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Suffice it to say that I disagree. But either way, you might be amused by this short film poking fun at Joyce and Beckett's differing prose styles... on the golf-course.

Excellent film, if only Beckett had half that amount of humour - although I suppose he did laugh all the way to the bank.

By the way, 'Teabag', you're becoming remarkably restrained these days, is it approaching middle age, or just growing up? Whatever, please feel free to offer up a spirited defence of those two old, 'Oirish' phonies, I am always prepared to be re-educated.

I am always prepared to be re-educated

I don't believe that for a second!

On Joyce, I can't do better than to quote Orwell:

"The truly remarkable thing about Ulysses, for instance, is the commonplaceness of its material. Of course there is much more in Ulysses than this, because Joyce is a kind of poet and also an elephantine pedant, but his real achievement has been to get the familiar on to paper. He dared — for it is a matter of daring just as much as of technique — to expose the imbecilities of the inner mind, and in doing so he discovered an America which was under everybody’s nose. Here is a whole world of stuff which you supposed to be of its nature incommunicable, and somebody has managed to communicate it. The effect is to break down, at any rate momentarily, the solitude in which the human being lives."

(I think he says "America" rather than "Dublin" because he's basically writing about Henry Miller and made a slip.)

For Beckett, I can do no more than direct you to watch this.

'Teabag', you are guilty of inflicting a 'cruel and unusual punishment' on a poor old man. I watched your Beckett film clip and the only thing to be said of it by way of mitigation is that the man says absolutely nothing. This was a vast improvement on that wretched woman in "Happy Days" who never stopped talking! As for Orwell, I suppose that all one can say is that even great men have their blind spots. However, I do recommend any of my readers not familiar with Beckett's work to follow your link and find out for themselves. (The management of this blog accepts no responsibility for any subsequent suicides!)

I should add that I did once read "Ulysses" right the way through as preparation for directing Stoppard's "Travesties". I still think that entitles me to some sort of medal, don't you?

Thought you'd like it.

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