I have remarked both here and elsewhere that the recent economic correction is, in the immortal words of Sellar & Yeatman, "A Good Thing". It is proof positive that capitalism is alive and well and kicking, even if the kick is to that most tender of spots, one's wallet. It is exactly the opposite of state run economies in which, because governments can never be wrong, nothing is ever corrected for generations (see: Soviet Union, China, et al).
Similarly, the current train wreck which is our beloved House of Commons could only have occurred in a democracy in which, eventually, the sources of deeply unpleasant smells are traced and uncovered and sprayed with disinfectant. Of course, it is a tribute to the intelligence of our legislators that they assumed that the light ahead was the end of the tunnel when in fact it was an oncoming express! Never mind, a considerable number of them will be culled in one way or another in the near future and replaced by a fresh class of delusional psychopaths who will continue the proud tradition of the House by getting most things mostly wrong, but at least, for a while, they will keep their grubby little fingers out of my wallet.
A more interesting question, if you will allow me to be pontifical, is 'whither British politics?' As Peter Hitchens, Peter Oborne, et al, never stop warning us, the party system is past its 'sell by' date. It has been obvious for a long time, well, obvious to those not blinded by party prejudice, that you could not put a fag paper between Labour and Conservative governments since the demise of 'that woman'. All we have now is a 'political class' of pragmatists, using that word in the sense of doing whatever it takes to keep their fat arses on the Parliamentary benches, or better still, the ministerial chairs. Ideology is dead and its rotting carcass is left to the mouth-breathers of the National Front and the children in the 'Trot-lot' creche to fight over. One only need spend a modicum of time over at Grimmer Up North (ever a true word said in jest!), or Stroppy Blog, to catch a glimpse of life on another planet. Given the burial of ideology we must now wallow about in the slushy middle ground of semi-capitalism and semi-socialism.
Thus the question arises, what need for political parties with their patently false colours of Left and Right, Red and Blue? Why not whip the Whips out of the chamber and let our pols (= diminutive of 'politicians' or 'poltroons') stand or fall as they see fit? Let each member fight the good fight for election and having succeeded let him or her stand or fall on each issue and be judged every five years. You may say that government would be weakened, to which my reply would be 'Hurrah!' We are the most over-governed generation Britain has ever suffered. The more the politicians interfere in our lives, the more legislation they drive through with the help of the bully boys from the Whips' Office, the greater the cock-ups, the expense, and the irritation.
Time for change! Yes we can! 'Ullo, 'ullo, that sounds familiar!
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