I'm not much of a cook. When it comes to cuisine and all that stuff I like to think of myself as a consumer not a producer. I do an excellent English breakfast and I'm an imaginative canape designer but truly proper cooking I leave to the little 'Memsahib'.
However, on this subject, there is one blog I have linked to run by a chap called Philip Dundas who lives in Edinburgh and is a proper 'foodie' to his finger tips. I like his style because he concentrates on sourcing excellent ingredients. Anyway, he has opened a new blog called:
He needs as many people as possible to register - just your name and e-mail is all he needs - in order to convince an agent that he has a ready public for a book he is writing. If you register (as I say, just your name and e-mail) he tells me that "In return, I will offer to send a menu suggestion and cooking advice to any new subscriber who emails me with a list of ingredients."
He's a good bloke, an excellent cook and I urge you all to give him some support.
I'll show this to dearieshe.
Posted by: dearieme | Friday, 12 June 2009 at 09:38
Well done, 'DM', and I'm sure 'Dearieshe' will find it interesting.
Posted by: David Duff | Friday, 12 June 2009 at 12:32