Alas, not very much time at the moment because I am off to delight, enthuse and entertain an audience with one of my Shakespeare talks - such lucky people! However, if you saw question time in the Commons and heard Brown lying through his teeth but were not exactly sure in what respect, please pop over to The Coffee House where young Fraser Nelson will spell it out for you in a short, crystal-clear essay including a copy of the crucial table from the actual Budget book - the 'smoking gun', as it were.
Incidentally, I suspect that Lansley's efforts this morning in which he blithely committed Cameron to maintaining health spending and school spending did his boss no favours. As I indicated a couple of posts back, the Tory approach to these cuts which any government will have to carry out in 2 years time needs to be carefully planned and executed. Lansley opening his big mouth on the Today programme was, I suspect, much more concerned with defending his forthcoming (he hopes) Health Department's budget if, and when, the Tories gain power. I'd sack him!
Lansley is local to us. He is a chump.
Posted by: dearieme | Thursday, 11 June 2009 at 13:43
Honestly, 'DM', you'll simply have to move!
Posted by: David Duff | Thursday, 11 June 2009 at 18:35
I am not sure how much credibility to give to this post. But it is nice to see a positive predition about our economies.>EU vs US Gaming the Economic Crisis
"Yeah? Well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it" is not much of policy though.
Posted by: Hank | Saturday, 13 June 2009 at 01:46
That about sums it up but the problems for the US and the UK is the imminent arrival of rip-roaring inflation. Germany's approach is much better.
Posted by: David Duff | Saturday, 13 June 2009 at 11:52