I have admonished you frequently in recent months that come the election Labour must be destroyed - utterly. If the rascals and reprobates succeed in hanging on to more than a 100 seats you will all be on a charge of dereliction of duty! Yes, yes, I know that the Tories and some LibDems had their snouts in the trough, too, but Labour were the ruling party and like the captain of any ship they must take the ultimate responsibility. One might, after a goodly intake of 'Scottish water', just possibly have been inclined to entertain very slight feelings of forgiveness given one's own efforts to avoid paying those bastards in the Inland Revenue a penny more than one has to, but in their infantile, yah-boo-sucks approach to the election of a Speaker to the Commons they have forfeited any sympathy or inclination to mercy. It is obvious that given the odium in which young Bercow is immersed as far as the Tory party is concerned it was mass Labour votes that greased him into the chair in the hope that he would be as big an embarrassment to the Tories as that Glaswegian thickoe was to them. Thus, yet again, putting petty party point scoring before the serious concerns of the country makes them not just unfit for government but unfit to be parliamentarians. Let us be rid of them, and let a new coalition of the Left arise.
As for young Bercow the signs are ominous but let us wait and see. It will not be a long wait because his first real test will come when some 'new' government policy is leaked to the Sunday prints or announced on Radio 4. If Bercow has balls (or Balls, because he is one of the biggest leakers) then he will insist on the minister concerned coming to the Commons and explaining himself. Well, it might happen - but don't hold your breath!
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