For those confused by my alphabet soup, allow me to explain: Her Majesy's Government, DeoxyriboNucleic Acid and Don't Bloody Care! I bring the subject up because young Clegg from the Upper Fifth has become very excited about doing away with various police and security measures, mostly, I suppose, because it upsets the readers and writers of The Guardian. Like most people I automatically mistrust governments (of any colour) but try as I might I cannot see what objection there can be to collecting DNA from anyone who is arrested by the police, irrespective of whether or not they are subsequently charged. On the other hand I can see all too clearly the advantages when I read regularly in the prints that some scrote or other has been arrested for a vile crime because his DNA is on record, or in some cases, because a very close relative has been tested and the reading points the plods in the direction of certain families. Honestly, I cannot see any harm or threat in the government having a DNA record base but if you know of one then tell me.
Nor do I object in principle to ID cards given that all of us carry ID cards of one sort or another, driving licences, credit cards, passports and so on, and as we all appear on a huge variety of databases I really cannot see that one more would make much difference. My only objection was cost and the fact that no matter how sophisticated the design we all know that within a matter of months anyone would be able to buy a very good forgery from Nigeria!
As for surveillance cameras, they do not disturb me in the least. If I was minded to get raving drunk every Saturday evening and stagger out of pole-dancing clubs prior to starting a major punch-up, then I might have some worries, but as I don't, I won't! I have been mightily impressed with the tremendous evidence gathered from these cameras after various terrorist attacks in our country. I also suspect they are immensely useful for tracking suspects at a distance and in circumstances where human surveillance would be exceedingly tricky. If anyone doubts, let me assure you that following someone on foot or by car, unlike what you see on TV or in a film, is actually enormously difficult and hugely expensive in man and woman hours.
I'm not saying that we should all sit back and relax and allow the government to do whatever they want by way of intrusion but I think the nervous twittering of the 'Guardianistas' should be ignored. And young Clegg should grow up!
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