One or two things occur to me as being ripe for instant disposal by 'Dave 'n' Nick' but please, dear reader, fell free to add to the list. I would start with most of the top rank creeps in the Treasury who rose like scum to the surface after Brown and Balls culled the independently-minded civil servants who refused to go along with their various Ponzi schemes. These top Treasury men are as guilty as their political masters and "I was only obeying orders" is no defence. Then he could turn to the BBC with chainsaw in hand and savagely hack it back to size. Or better still, just sell off the whole thing. None of us trust governments further than we can piss into a gale so what is the point in having a quasi-governmental news organisation? Next to go on to E-Bay should be the 'not fit for purpose' Met Office. When all this nonsense blew up about Icelandic volcano ash two phrases leaped out at me amongst the stream of news blather - "Met Office" and "computer modeling" - and I knew instantly that it was all BLX. Let the Met Office try and earn a living out in the real world then they will find out the true meaning of 'a cold wind'! I have mentioned in previous posts my hope that Education Authorities and the Association of Chief Police Officers should be chopped off at the knees but I would like to add to them all those regional investment agencies who seem to me to be the last word in fat cats' homes! The ridiculous but eye-wateringly expensive Arts Council should be disbanded and all its funds put back in the Exchequor. The whole 'Arts Industry' in this country is like a swollen corpse infested with fat maggots who contribute nothing but who wield enormous power in their piffling domains. The Human Rights Act and all those rules and regs designed to force us all to pretend to love each other should be swept away and binned. Finally, the Football Association has managed, single-handedly, to lose us the prospect of hosting the World Cup - for which we must all thank and praise the 'Intelligent Designer' - so now it is up to 'Dave 'n' Nick' to show 'true grit' and cancel the Olympic Games. No, I am not holding my breath, thank you for asking!
Additional: (Just at the moment, pushed for time, I do not have any additions to make but I know, oh yes, I just know, I will think of some more - so watch this space!)
#1: See, just 5 minutes after writing that I smote my forehead (smote - I love that word!) and with a shudder thought of 'Squeaker' Bercow who later today might well face a challenge to his position as Speaker of the House. He must go! But will those poltroons in parliament have the nerve?
It would appear Brits (you at least) share a feeling not unlike Arkies do where the Meteoro"logical" Services are concerned. [With the possible exception being during tornado season].
There is a saying around here that goes, "What those forecasters need to do is toss those computers and put windows on every wall."
Posted by: JK | Tuesday, 18 May 2010 at 13:46
Indeed! My usual (and boring) 'joke' is that they should consider changing the seaweed they hang outside their office!
Posted by: David Duff | Tuesday, 18 May 2010 at 14:08