Those disgraceful reprobates at IHTM have really gone too far with this one, I really cannot condone this sort of thing, it is all in the worst possible taste.
They begin by wondering why all those gentlemen are so fixated by the first lady's lap . . .
. . . then they provide a possible reason . . .
. . . which, well, actually, I find rather intriguing! But still, that creepy Robert Gibbs should wipe the salacious smirk off his face!
David? Since you're getting so good at Powerpoint, you might try PhotoShop. And slip your bi-focals on.
Gibbs ain't a eye-gazer, he's a rear-end man. Hell, I might just be smirking too... depending. I prefer somewhat thinner women.
Posted by: JK | Saturday, 08 May 2010 at 11:04