A bold and deliciously enticing prospect is forecast by Peter Ferrara in The American Spectator in which he reminds us of his much earlier prediction that Obama would be a one-term president but now he goes even further and suggests that Obama will not even last his full first term! There are, in his view, two likely endings to Obama's rule; first, he might resign because the wreckage of the Democrat party after the November elections will demand it, particularly as the freezing cold air whistles out of the grossly inflated financial balloon that has - just - kep the American economy above the waves so far.
However, a more exciting prospect is that Obama might be impeached because of the Sestak affair. For those not familiar with the wheat and chaff of daily politics 'over there', Rep. Sestak, formerly Admiral Sestak and now nominee 'Senator' Sestak, claims that he was offered a job in the administration by the White House if he would agree to stand down in the election and thus clear the way for Sen. Specter to stand unapposed. Specter was a Republican for decades but sensing the way the wind was blowing in his home state he switched sides on the bais that Obama would ease him back into the Senate - thus proving that there is no sucker like an old sucker!
The White House has consistently and loudly denied that any job offer was made to Sestak but he, an apparently typical old 'sea salt' insists that he is telling the truth. It is no wonder that the White House is desperately insisting that they made no job offer because, I am thrilled to tell you, it is a Federal offence:
The rumor is that Sestak, formerly an Admiral, was offered appointment as Secretary of the Navy. The problem is that a federal statute explicitly provides that it is a federal felony, punishable by up to one year in prison, to attempt to bribe a candidate with a federal job, or anything of value, to influence an election.
Oh my giddy aunt, the prospect of Obama 'cuffed, manacled and in an orange jump-suit is simply too much - I might actually die of cackling! Won't happen, of course, but a man can dream, can't he? Anyway, for this and other reasons Ferrara is convinced that Obama will not last out his first term so if you're feeling low give him a read and cheer yourselves up!
Oh m' dear David,
I didn't understand UK politics and it appears - you don't understand US politics. Wily bastards all though.
It wasn't White House C of H who 'offered the job' rather it was out of government ex-president of the US (and husband of Secretary of State) Bill Clinton who personnally extended the offer.
There's a baseball term for it, but because I realize you know as much of baseball as I do cricket - the American equivalent would be, "No harm, no foul."
Of course we might have to borrow a few billion bucks from the Chinese for an investigation that will prove no harm, no foul - but what the fuck - we've taken out a Line of Credit Home Nation Equity Loan.
Nothing will come of this.
Unless President Obama is reconciled to accepting direct payments 'in kind' from the Finance Minister of Greece.
Posted by: JK | Sunday, 06 June 2010 at 12:59
Yes, 'JK', but, according to Ferrara, Clinton's effort fails to convince:
"Former President Bill Clinton is now claiming that he carried the offer to Sestak of an appointment to an unpaid position on a Presidential Advisory Board in return for dropping out of the race. But that story is not plausible because as a sitting member of Congress he could not have legally served on such a Presidential Board. So is the White House now lying to the American people about the matter?" [My emphasis]
And as so often happens, it is not the original sin that really matters but the subsequent ones that occur in the desperate efforts to cover up - see: Watergate pace!
Posted by: David Duff | Sunday, 06 June 2010 at 14:45
** JK help me if I got all this Navy stuff wrong. **
As I understand it, permanent Rear Admiral (Upper Half) and temporary Vice Admiral Sestak was fired by the Chief of Naval Operations who is now the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff, causing Sestak to revert to his permanent rank in which he retired. The Obama Administration is alleged to have offered him the job of Secretary of the Navy.
I know the Obama administration is tone deaf to such things but this sounds like a setup for a major blood letting on the 5th floor of the Pentagon. Aside form ethics, accepting THAT job would be rather dumb.
If I rember correctly there is also statutoery restruiction that prevents retired flag officers from holding political appointments in the Defense Department for 10 years after retirement. Sestak retired form the Navy in 2005.
Posted by: hank | Monday, 07 June 2010 at 04:50
Yes Hank. You are totally correct. And yes, there is that statutory restriction. Personally, while I'm 'relatively' certain Sestak was aware of it, I'm relatively certain Cuz Bill wasn't.
While I 'think' the scenario as I've described it is a bit too convenient, (as in: How the hell could Bill Clinton offer anything?) if the administration stays out of the way [and I actually do think they're wily enough to that point] allowing Cuz Bill to take the heat provides - in the words of former Admiral Poindexter - "plausible deniability."
Posted by: JK | Monday, 07 June 2010 at 16:35
Just thought I'd get that in without adding a link that I'm not too sure will work, but I thought our host might enjoy it:
Posted by: JK | Monday, 07 June 2010 at 16:40
It worked, 'JK', and it seemed to me that the panel were as muddled and addled as the Obama adminstration!
Posted by: David Duff | Monday, 07 June 2010 at 17:11