The other day that old slyboots, 'Dearieme', attempted to provoke me into giving an opinion on what he called the 'footieboys', by which he meant, of course, the stirling chaps who wear the three lions of England so proudly on their shirts and who, even as I write, are busy shagging oops, sorry, boozing, no, no, I didn't mean that either, I meant training hard ready to win glory for their country. However, 'Dearieme', in attempting to elicit an opinion from me on this vital matter was fully aware that I had only just returned from France and had thus been deprived of the critical briefings provided for me by the Deep Intelligence & Analysis Branch of TOOORKSPOOORT'! However, I am now fully updated and I am able to pontificate with the sort of assurance seen and heard any night in any Saloon Bar in this 'septic isle'.
We won't win!
We will need a bit of luck even to get out of the opening group, and I may be rushed to hospital with severe shock if we actually reach the semi-finals, and I certainly will not live long enough ever to see us reach a final. Indeed, just the opposite, I foresee hideous embarrassment approaching at high speed from 'over there'! If, and it is more than possible, we fail to beat the Yanks on Saturday, or even, perish the thought, we actually lose to them, I may have to close this blog down. It's not that my e-pals from 'over there' would crow because, like so many Americans, they are immensely polite and gracious and I just know they would, in their usual friendly way, commisserate with me - and I couldn't bear it!
You may wonder why I harbour such doubts about the abilities of our fine young men and I will tell you the simple answer - they are over-sexed, over-paid and over-hyped - especially the latter! Mind you, that is not to say that I do not enjoy the regularity of the ritual through which we go every two years from European Cup to World Cup. It moves slowly and deliberately in the time-honoured tradition, much as Newton's great universal clock waxes and wanes the movement of the orbs. In the approach to the competition the media become more and more hysterical about the world-class abilities of 'our lads', then, as they fail miserably - again, they give them an almighty kicking, before once again beginning the build up to the next 'glorious failure'.
Yes, I know it's tedious but there is something comforting about the fact that in an uncertain world some things are forever!
"If I want your opinion, I'll give it to you." - Al Capone
Posted by: ortega | Wednesday, 09 June 2010 at 14:03
Exactly, Ortega! Actually, your lot seem to be favourites, although you can never be sure with the Brazilians and the Argentinians playing.
Posted by: David Duff | Wednesday, 09 June 2010 at 14:34