I regret to say - well, actually I don't regret it all, I thoroughly enjoy it - that those rapscallions over at 'I Hate the Media' have taken a less than reverential look at that distinguished old Vietnam bullshitter war hero, Sen. John Kerry. This American patriot just spent $7 million on a new yacht and given the fact that boatyards in Massachusetts, his home state, are on the breadline, you would have thought he would have placed the order with them. Instead, he had it built in New Zealand! And, just to rub their noses in it, he has based his boat in Rhode Island thus avoiding nearly $500k in taxes which Massachusetts would have charged him. (It is a seperate question as to why the State legislature in Massachusetts puts its shipyards into penury with ludicrous taxes whilst its neighborouring State charges none - perhaps because it is run by socialist democrats.)
Anyway, 'IHTM' sum it all up in their usual style, thus:
The esteemed Senator John Kerry, the tax-dodging senior senator from Massachusetts, was mobbed by reporters who insisted on asking impertinent questions about his new $7,000,000 luxury yacht and why he hasn’t paid the Commonwealth of Massachusetts the pound of flesh he’s so quick to demand of the little people.
Looking like a cornered rat, he finally turned to his driver and spoke the immortal words he first uttered in Vietnam, “Can you get me out of here, please?”
The only thing missing was a flesh wound on the ass. And when we say “ass”, we are, of course, referring to the senior senator himself.
Is it any wonder there is such a groundswell of opposition to the machine pols of Washington? Alas, I fear that even if there is a cull of the 'usual suspects' in the autumn, it will only be a matter of time before their replacements are living high on the hog 'jes like in the good ol' days'!
ADDITIONAL: Hallelujah, he's seen the light! Or more likely he's seen the lights of a dozen TV and press cameras, and 'a perfect storm' of bad publicity - is Kerry up for re-election in November? Anyway, after being ambushed by a pack of dandruff-ridden hacks thrusting microphones under his nose and asking him why he had dodged taxes in his home State, the distinguished Senator from Massachusetts has told an anxious world that he will pay the taxes he dodged until found out he always intended to pay. So that's alright, then!
I was wondering how in the world I was gonna be able to insert a particular link - this post's title seems appropriate.
Posted by: JK | Tuesday, 27 July 2010 at 20:42
Good grief, 'JK', where do you find them? That is the funniest link I have ever received. You must, absolutely must, let me know if he gets in!
Posted by: David Duff | Tuesday, 27 July 2010 at 21:09
I consider it my sacred duty David, to help in anyway possible to give our good friends in the British Isle a reason to get up in the morning and hold their heads high.
Even if it means spending waaay too much time on the Internet. And, really icky, keeping up with American politics.
Posted by: JK | Tuesday, 27 July 2010 at 21:40
I'm sure her Maj will show her appreciation in due course - and, yes, naturally she is a regular reader here at D&N although she is always careful to sign herself as 'Dearieme'!
Posted by: David Duff | Tuesday, 27 July 2010 at 21:51