Our Supreme Court, which is not supreme because above it lurks the European Court with a gang of judges from nations with distinguished histories of freedom, democracy and the rule of law developed over, er, well, decades, really, such as Germany, Italy and Spain assisted, at the moment, by Portugal, Slovenia and Slovakia, has decided that illegal immigrants may not be sent back where they come from if they are homo- or bi- or trans-sexual. From now on you can expect a steady stream of young men entering the country illegally and kissing the first policemen they see and insisting that they're as queer as a nine bob note - until they collect their visas at which point their numerous wives and children will join them in the 'Land of the Open Door'. Such fun, sweetie!
Well, the Daily Mail is having fun, anyway:
"Gay men should be free to attend Kylie concerts, drink exotically coloured cocktails and talk about boys with their women friends, a Supreme Court justice said today.
Lord Rodger's summary of male homosexual life in Britain came in a judgment that overturned a decision to deport two gay asylum seekers."
Posted by: JuliaM | Wednesday, 07 July 2010 at 18:19