Well, come on, be honest, can you tell the difference between the three pricks who run our main political parties? I can't! With a slight change of syntax here, an emphasis there, and a quick phraseological soft-shoe-shuffle, yesterday's speech by Ed 'Cain' Miliband could have come straight from the teleprompter of Cameron or Clegg and you wouldn't have noticed the difference. So, you are going to be in trouble, come the next election, trying to choose between them. However, here at D&N we never cease, day and night, to provide you with the very best of political advice. In that spirit, let me suggest to you all that you buy a dart-board and cut out from the papers photos of our three, er, 'leaders'. Stick them to the board and let fly with an 'arrow' (as I think the darts champs refer to them) and whichever picture is pricked is then your pick of the pricks! Falstaff knew how to handle the business whilst choosing his recruits for the wars:
"Prick him, for we have a number of shadows to fill up the muster book."
Before you go, just a quick mention of a truly delicious moment from yesterday's Labour conference. One of those gems so rare they are invaluable when a politican is caught telling truth to the devil unaware that they are being listened to, or in this case, having their lips read. I refer, of course, to the moment when 'Cain' told his assembled suckers prats activists that the war in Iraq had been a big mistake. 'Harry Harperson' instantly led the applause and big brother David leaned over to ask why she was applauding when she had voted for the war. Her reply, to the effect that she was applauding her new leader whom she supports, tells you, or in my case, confirms, everything you always suspected about what an unprincipled, gutless, useless piece of political detritus she is.
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