With the sort of uncanny accuracy that this blog achieves by stating the bleedin' obvious, I did tell you some time ago that the knackers men, Brown & Balls, were fixing the nation's affairs in order to hand over a brimming bucket of poo to that nice Mr. Cameron in the full knowledge that he was bound to spill some here and there and be thoroughly blamed for his disgusting behaviour. Actually, they also did that in the full knowledge that as they strained night and day to fill the bucket it would be the impoverished people of Britain who would suffer, but that's another tale for another day - in the courts, if I had my way!
Of course, exactly the same thing is happening 'over there', except that being America the scale of things is eye-wateringly enormous. Their borrowing is now $13+ TRILLION - and rising! The next two years are going to be one long blame-game. It seems certain that the Republicans will make big advances in the Congress, probably capturing the House but maybe not quite the Senate. By the New Year the poo will dribbling over the top of the Dam and the country will cry out for action and an arm-wrestling match will ensue between Republican Congressmen and a recalcitrant President who, I suspect, has already written off his second year in office. There will be howls from the media to the effect that the Republicans are failing to be bipartisan in dealing with a train-crash economy. This crash will be assisted in every way by George Soros who will be one of the few to come out of it worth more than when he went in. However, politically speaking, the Marxists will be even richer because the one thing they yearn for, their ultimate aim and hope, is a monumental crash leading to a breakdown in the nation's affairs.
The Republicans will be in an even trickier position than Cameron because whatever sensible plans they propose (and I am assuming they have some sensible plans - er, they do, don't they?) a president knowing he is on the way out with nothing to lose will be happy to thwart them with his veto. And whilst I call them 'sensible plans', of course, that means real pain to an awful lot of people. Does the GOP have what it takes to lay waste to large parts of their nation knowing that they hope to get their man, or woman, into the White House in two years time?
Lest you think I have become all soppy and weepy over the plight of 'the cousins' let me assure you that my streak of self-interest is never far from the surface. The sort of shock waves that will hit us 'over here' if the good ol' USA goes belly-up, or is forced into never-seen-before contortions in order to stay afloat, are likely to swamp us.
Those seeking a somewhat more academic and learn-ed prognosis than my slap-dash efforts should go to this site, a favourite of my regular commenter, DM, and one which I, too, recommend.
Despite our admitted lackadaisacal if not downright ludicrous approach to electing our politicians - there is a new study out that makes it obvious we've some redeeming qualities.
Posted by: JK | Friday, 22 October 2010 at 03:12
Indeed you do - but this is not one of them:
""The way they waddle around in their little fat pants?" Anderson added. "Tell me that's not adorable."
Not that it is confined to the USA, you need only look at any British High Street in Summer - too, too ghastly!
Posted by: David Duff | Friday, 22 October 2010 at 10:25