'Timing, as in sex and drumming, is everything', so they tell me but perhaps they should have added 'political commentary' to the list. If it is, then I am forced to conclude that little Georgie Monbiot couldn't play the bass drum in the Brighouse & Rastrick Brass Band, and, ladies, I would suggest that he's a lousy lay! Yesterday, he wasted an incredible amount of oxygen writing, or regurgitating other people's writings, on the subject of - and do stop yawning at the back - dark, secretive, American zillionaires stealing the American election from under the noses of those 'stoopid, hillbilly hicks', as The Huffington Post might put it, or those dreadfully ignorant oiks, as little Georgie might put it. The entire essay is so juvenile, so stuffed with stereotypes, so derivative of others' hyperbole that I really do wonder how little Georgie can take the (tax-avoiding) Guardian's money without blushing. He even stoops to smear the Koch brothers by anonymous quotes: "This rightwing, redneck stuff works for them. They see this as a way to get things done without getting dirty themselves."
However, I was struck by the odd co-incidence in reading of the Koch brothers twice in two days whilst having gone 71 years never having heard of them! Their name came up first in an exchange with some HAFs - yes they're still around, an endangered species now and I have it on good authority that the World Wildlife Fund might have to come to the rescue - and a quick google told me that they are eye-wateringly rich and as a consequence they own America, or at least, that's how it looks if you only have one eye and can't see out of the other! Little Georgie, desperately trying to win his 'Ace Junior Reporter of the Month' badge, tells us - and please be aware that this blog is not responsible for you tipping hot coffee in your lap in shock:
The Kochs want to pay less tax, keep more profits and be restrained by less regulation.
Well, heavens to Betsy, who'da thunk it? Georgie, I don't quite know how to put this to you without risking a flood of tears because I know how you hate criticism of your wise words but real news, I mean, eye-poppingly, never-been-seen-before, original news would be along the lines of:
'Multi-zillionaire brothers insist on paying 95% tax on their dollar profits and suggest that the Environemental Agency has majority voting rights on the board.'
See, that's news, little Georgie, as in new, ya know what I mean? What you produced was straight out of 'Nasty, Rich Men Run the World: 101' from the 'People's University of the Free Democratic Republic of .............', please fill in your own choice.
Unable to come up with anything better than the usual stock villains - I wonder if the Koch brothers are given to wearing black hats? - little Georgie is even reduced to using some old politician's tired joke to the effect that the Tea Party movement is not "grassroots" (authentic, natural, homely and above all, green, therefore - Good) but is instead, "astroturf" (manufactured, un-natural and my dear, simply too, too green to be believable, therefore - Bad). Well, such is the stuff of political sloganeering, or perhaps just sneering, but somehow one expects something a little more enlightening, something higher than political gutter detritus, something more high-minded and cerebral, from this towering intellectual of the Left.
Alas, the merit of what passes for thinking in little Georgie's head can best be gauged by what he does not say rather than what he does. Thus, men who build up big businesses and make money must be denigrated for using their money to support political movements aimed at allowing them to keep as much of their money as they can, but no mention is made of, say, the Electrical Workers Union ($2.8m), and SEIU, the huge union conglomorate who have provided $1.3 million directly to the Democrat party so that, in effect, their members can keep as much of their money as they can! And the boss of SEIU, a Marxist ideologue, was, according to records, the most frequent visitor to the White House earlier this year. Nor does little Georgie tell us that amongst the top 10 contributers to the Democrat party are AT&T ($1.6m), Honeywell ($1.7m), Comcast Corp ($1.9m) and Boeing ($1.4m) - go here for the details. But perhaps their chairmen wear white hats! Neither will you read anywhere in Georgie's little pile of poo even a hint, let alone a mention, of George Soros, another shy(!) zillionaire who, and I know you'll find this hard to believe, funds several organisations in support of the Democrat party as well as paying for reporters to work for the impeccably Left-wing Huffington Post and NPR. (I don't know if Soros wears a hat but if he does I bet it's white.)
In sneering at the Tea Party movement as a mere construction by hidden, secretive zillionaires who, nevertheless, even one-eyed, little Georgie managed to find so their camouflage can't be that good, he seeks to convince us that the hundreds, multiplied by tens of hundreds across the entire United States, who turned out at Townhall meetings throughout the summer, and the hundreds of thousands who congregated for Glenn Beck's rally in Washington, are manufactured robots, propelled hither and thither by evil, manipulative puppeteers, Even if the Koch brothers did contribute funds to enabling organisations that is no guarantee that 'ordinary' Americans would leave their comfortable homes and TVs and spend hours in some dreary Townhall, or travel thousands of miles, many of them with their families, to attend a gathering in Wshington. To describe this phenomenon, only equaled in my life by the mass 'peacenick' demonstrations during the Vietnam war, as manufactured "astroturf" is more than just political hyperbole, it is a simple, straightforward, old-fashioned - lie!
Little Georgie should re-read his piece and then hang his head in shame. It is nothing more than a tendentious piece of lazy, juvenile agit-prop containing nothing new, or news-worthy, and making no effort to provide readers with anything even resembling an original thought. The quicker this government removes all its job advertising from The Guardian, thus allowing it to gasp its last, the better. At least then we shall be content to know that we are not, at one remove, supporting little Georgie in the noisy, ignorant tower of babel he inhabits.
ADDITIONAL: Lest you should suppose from my remarks that Soros, by contributing to a socialist-dominated Democrat party is, indeed, one of those rarities - a zillionaire welcoming more state intervention and subvention - think again! Mr. Soros has been very busy lately talking down the dollar. He also knows perfectly well that neo-Marxist policies of the Obama regime will lead to economic catastrophe for the USA. Why would he do those things? Only because his dollars have long since been converted into other currencies (which have already appreciated against the dollar), commodities and ventures overseas, like Brazilian oil, which the White House is supporting with foreign aid! The minute the dollar hits rock bottom and the US economy implodes he'll be back in like Flyn picking up what he can for bargain-basement prices!
This probably arrives with very little surprise - but contributors to political parties are whores. (With the exception of the Koch Brothers, who're as faithful to their Republican brides as the most virtuous amongst us).
Your above example of AT&T and Comcast for example? I do hope they've each some subsidiary which produces condoms. This information can be found incidentally on the very same site you've, er, embedded.
There is, it must be admitted, a reason the telecommunications sluts are currently offering their favors to mostly Democrats. There's pending legislation called "The Net Neutrality Act." What this particular Act contemplates is the regulating of major portions of both AT&T and Comcast's revenue streams - and while the House (where legislation originates) will almost certainly go to the Republicans - the Senate (where the final versions of legislation are decided) the safe money bets will, by the slimmest of margins, remain in the hands of the Democrats. But even if the Republicans do manage to take the Senate, it will not be in sufficient numbers to override Obama's veto pen.
Posted by: JK | Tuesday, 26 October 2010 at 20:42
"In sneering at the Tea Party movement as a mere construction by hidden, secretive zillionaires who, nevertheless, even one-eyed, little Georgie managed to find so their camouflage can't be that good, he seeks to convince us that the hundreds, multiplied by tens of hundreds across the entire United States, who turned out at Townhall meetings throughout the summer, and the hundreds of thousands who congregated for Glenn Beck's rally in Washington, are manufactured robots, propelled hither and thither by evil, manipulative puppeteers:
This, from the Founder of the modern-day Tea Party Movement:
Posted by: JK | Tuesday, 26 October 2010 at 20:58
Took a second read of this post David. It gnawed at me you'd never heard of the Koch Brothers. Sort of surprising seeing as you're internationally recognized as a
know-it-allgenuis of the first order of all things business.Well that and I once lived in Wichita Kansas (or as I'm fond of calling Kansas "The Land of the Screwball"). You've heard of course of the church that protests at the funerals of servicemembers who are killed in either Afghanistan or Iraq?
Back when I lived in Kansas (thankfully I had the sense to enlist as quickly as my new wife would allow it) Wichita "enjoyed" the services of a Prosecuting Attorney who went on to further glory - paragraph 3:
When I visit the one of my children who still resides in Wichita, I always exercise the privileges my "Concealed Carry Weapons License" permits and wear my body armor:
And for a period (until my nervous condition became equally as bad as your claustrophobia) I was employed as a "security person" for:
For the life of me, I'm unable to figure out why Arkansas enjoys a higher position on the US nutcase scale than Kansas.
Posted by: JK | Tuesday, 26 October 2010 at 22:54
JK, I surrender, OK?! The incoming 'links' fire is overwhelming me. I only have so many hours a day and most of them are spoken for by the little 'Memsahib', so give me a break - just one link per day - please.
Posted by: David Duff | Wednesday, 27 October 2010 at 16:59
Because I well recall what it's like to have a She who MUST BE obeyed (and in no small way, realize "She" very likely has my email address) I'll place a sign over my desk:
Keep in mind JK, Lady Duff has an ASBO with your name on it!!
Posted by: JK | Wednesday, 27 October 2010 at 19:23