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Sunday, 27 March 2011


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A cellphone AND an MP3 player?

Dude, get an iPhone! It doubles as both!

You're right, Julia, and then think what else he could have stashed away in his little, er, hidey-hole!

Well, they say knowledge is power but frankly, I think this is a case of too much information.
But it was a happy post and that's more than some of the stuff I've seen lately.
Keep up the good work, Duff.

We aim to please, Ma'am!

He'd had more of a problem had he encountered this TSA "inspector":

"The assistant director told her he was investigating a threat of workplace violence. He said that her former mentor in on-the-job training, officer Mary Bagnoli, reported that she was afraid of Smith because she was a witch who practiced witchcraft. She accused Smith of following her on the highway one snowy evening after work and casting a spell on the heater of her car, causing it not to work."

"she was a witch who practiced witchcraft" as opposed, presumably, to a witch who did not practice withcraft.

Yet another graduate of Journalism School, I suppose.

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