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Tuesday, 23 August 2011


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We felt the earthquake here in Jersey. The building started shaking, and someone yelled, "Get out, it's a quake", and all the office buildings that I could see evacuated. I almost evacuated myself, if you get my point. Scary sh*t!

Ah, but at least the earth moved for you, Dom!
Seriously, I am glad all is well with you.

My e-pal, JK, has obviously been up in the Arkie mountains distilling his fine old bourbon because he posted this in the wrong slot, so I repaste it here with my reply:

Apparently this little "Muchhumping-in-the-dales" shook up more than you intended:

Need to exercise caution David.

Posted by: JK | Tuesday, 23 August 2011 at 21:40

It wasn't me, honest, it wasn't!

I blame Washington. Well, everyone else does!

Posted by: David Duff | Tuesday, 23 August 2011 at 21:48

I was asleep in Bali when the tsunami hit Japan in March.
Woke me up and shook all my lamps and wind chimes.
Everybody else in Bali seemed to sleep through it but some of the flight attendants on the trip home felt it in Denpasar.
That's a long way to feel the earth move.
Still, I am such a light sleeper if a whipporwill sings outside my window I will know.

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