No, no, sorry and all that, DM (Darling Michele), but from now on the endearment, MDS (My Darling Michele), will have to be cut short. You see, you have upset my 'hero', Don Boudreaux at The Cafe Hayek, and with me, what he says goes:
It is the rare politician who doesn’t disgust me. Michele Bachmann is not among those rare few.
Ouch! But this is the second howler DM has uttered in the last few days:
"How do you solve it? You build a barrier, a fence, a wall -- whatever you want to call it. You build it," Bachmann said. "As president of the United States, every mile, every yard, every foot, every inch will be covered on that southern border."
Boudreaux points us to a man, David Henderson, of similar views to his own who writes:
Most of us opponents of a wall have focused on the idea that the wall is meant to "wall out" immigrants. But we just observed the 50th anniversary of the Berlin Wall, a wall that was meant to, and did, "wall in" residents. I think I remember co-blogger Bryan worrying that a wall on the border with Mexico might wall us in. I think this is a serious worry. If, 20 years ago, you had asked me if a U.S. president would try to persuade the head of a totalitarian country to reinstitute restrictions on residents leaving that country, I would have said "No way." Yet three years later that's exactly what President Clinton persuaded Fidel Castro to do.
In an earlier article, Henderson pointed out that what had bedeviled the whole subject of immigration, both legal and illegal, was the automatic provision of welfare benefits from the host nation. As he reminds us, in the particular case of incomers from Cuba, what the immigrants want in the first place is freedom not welfare. The practice of automatic welfare has now corrupted the whole subject and brought down on the heads of the immigrants the fury of the host peoples. Now, it must be admitted, a goodly part of the motivation for many immigrants is the lure of welfare benefits.
In the meantime, I must urge DM to engage brain before opening mouth!
ADDITIONAL: Oh, no! That photo has been seized upon by Guido who has made it the subject of this week's 'Caption Competition'. I hardly dare read the suggestions from his disgusting readership - er, but I will, or some of them, at least!
Yah yah yah yah!!!
Told ya!!
Posted by: Andra | Saturday, 20 August 2011 at 08:06