I only ask because someone is to blame! Whenever a catastrophe occurs it is all too human to search for a culprit and given the looting and arson on our streets last week I insist that someone is to blame. Usually, of course, the fingers are pointed at groups of people, certain classes, particular types, but that is to dissipate the feelings of vengeance which need to be appeased. Much better, in my opinion, to pick on an individual and then all of one's pent up fury can be so much better aimed and directed and thereby relieved. So, given that, why shouldn't we drag 'Dame Shirl' kicking and screaming from the House of Lords and deliver her to a bonfire on Tower Hill where, prior to various bits of her being burned at the stake, she can be hung, drawn and quartered and her head stuck upon a halberd mounted outside the ill-named Ministry of Education?
Photograph: Martin Argles for the Guardian
What, you may ask, has this rather sad old sack done to deserve such treatment? Well, for openers, in my opinion she has inflicted more damage on this country than anyone else since Hermann Goering and his Luftwaffe! She alone was responsible for the wanton destruction of the Grammar Schools. (Yes, yes, I know, she had her collaborators but remember, it is essential to personalise this in order to extract the full rich flavour of revenge!) In this one terrible act of wanton vandalism she struck down the only sector of excellence in the state-run education system and by inflicting Comprehensive Schools on the nation she pushed the whole education system off a cliff.
Last week you saw the grand culmination of all that 'Dame Shirl' was warned about at the time but refused to acknowledge with all the obduracy of the truly and monumentally stupid. In addition, and just to rub it in to all the equally stupid people who voted for her and her party (yes, you, you and you over there trying to hide your shame), she made sure that her own children were educated in the best selective schools available, even sending her own child to stay with friends because she happened to live outside the catchment area! For that alone I want to be the first to throw a match on the petrol-soaked kindling awaiting her.
Go on, admit it! Even thinking about it makes you feel better, doesn't it?
No please - pretty please - let me be the first to throw a match on the pyre to burn this witch. This woman - hypocrisy on stilts - has done more damage to this country than I care to contemplate. She wasn't alone in her destruction of the state educational system: jointly responsible was that sh*t, Tony Crosland, whose skeleton should be dug up and hanged from a gibbet in Parliament Square (as was Oliver Cromwell who was many things but not, I think, a hypocrite). Williams' spineless (and costless, to her) liberalism is ridiculed in this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEVA4EAP_S0 by Christopher Hitchens.
Posted by: Umbongo | Wednesday, 17 August 2011 at 13:57
Thanks, Bongers, if only Any Questions was as lively as that each time I might watch it more often.
Posted by: David Duff | Wednesday, 17 August 2011 at 15:09
Good post - I've loathed that woman for decades. Face to face she may well be quite charming as these people often are, but political poison just the same.
I have to disagree with Umbongo though. Tony Crosland wasn't a sh*t, he was a SHIT.
Posted by: A K Haart | Wednesday, 17 August 2011 at 16:58
To me this looks like the face of a compassionate woman who has all the sorrows of the world on her shoulders and finds it rather overwhelming.
However, I have never seen or heard of her before so I will defer to my learned gentlemen friends.
Waka good, Umbongo!
Posted by: Andra | Thursday, 18 August 2011 at 00:49