Or to be exact, only in San Francisco, or 'Loopylooville', as I prefer to think of it. Already this week I have broached one subject which I intended never to raise again in these columns - capital punishment - and now I will raise another - abortion. According to Pajamas Media, the City authorities are about to launch a legal attack on any pregnancy counselling clinics who offer any other advice apart from abortion! From the BayCitizen:
San Francisco leaders are launching a coordinated attack against what they call “one of the most serious threats to reproductive rights today” — so-called crisis pregnancy centers that advertise as though they provide abortions, but counsel against them.
And the perps involved probably pride themselves on being called 'liberals'!
A while back I read that sort of accusation, so I pulled out the phone book and looked in the yellow pages under abortion. The people who published the tome kept the two classes of establisments in different catagories and it was clear what was being placed in each catagory. From reading the respecitve adds I doubt anyone would have had a problem determing what services were an were not being offered without assistence of the publisher.
I suspect the clain itself is false.
Posted by: Hank | Saturday, 06 August 2011 at 15:12
Hank, my link to the original story seems not to be working so here is another:
It seems well researched.
Posted by: David Duff | Sunday, 07 August 2011 at 20:49