Many years ago when I started this blogging lark I was immediately drawn to the Anthropological Global Warming (AGW) campaign which was producing enough heat of its own accord to warm up the earth! I had no strong views for or against although my cynicism (rather than scepticism, which came later) was on full alert because at my age one has learned the hard way to treat 'experts' with caution especially the more foam-flecked and eye-ball swivelling they appear. Anyway, I started cruising round the various blogs, the vast majority of which were, so to speak, 'true believers'. However, there were some doubters and one I came across and immediately took to was Anthony Watts's site Watts Up With That? At the time he was conducting, with the help of volunteers from all over the USA, detailed and personal inspections of the temperature recording stations upon which the 'Warmers' were basing their 'science'. It quickly became apparent that, like just about everything else in modern life, huge changes had occurred around these stations which might have begun their existence in rural countryside but were now surrounded by concrete and tarmac and office windows all of which reflected and increased the ambient temperature. To re-use a tired expression, most of them were 'not fit for purpose'. Immediately my insipient scepticism hardened into downright suspicion.
Last year, as 'evey fule do know', including and especially the 'fules' at East Anglia University, the whole AGW faith took an almighty hit below the waterline when hundreds of the e-mails circulating between the 'scientists' concerned were hacked and published. My worst suspicions confirmed I rather lost interest which was naughty of me because one should never underestimate the sticking power of little people with a fanatical belief who have been encouraged in their madness by both Big Business and Big Politics. And talking of which, the unlovely figure of Big ex-Vice-President Al Gore hoves into view. This man has made a fortune from technology supplied to alternate energy producers who have been in receipt of massive government handouts 'over there'. So he receives the tax-payers' dollars at one remove. The other week, he was given 24 hours of prime TV time to pump out his propaganda and 'prove' that AGW is a 'clear and present danger'. At this point, re-enter the redoubtable Anthony Watts to apply his fearsome forensic skills on one particular example of what turned out to be a 'lying lie' from a 'lying liar'!
In the film, Gore purports to show a very simple experiment which he, himself, describes as "high school physics" with the implication that his younger viewers could easily replicate in their school labs. It involves two glass jars being heated. They both contain thermometers but one is filled with ordinary air whilst the other is filled with CO2. There then follows a shot of the two thermometers with one climbing rapidly faster than the other - and you can guess which one that was! Watts remained unconvinced and decided, in the highest traditions of the very best of science, to try and replicate it. He was minded to do this because, as an ex-TV man himself he was deeply suspicious about the sequence of film showing the two thermometers. I will not attempt to paraphrase his disection of Gore's jiggery-pokery but instead urge you to read it yourself, or, if you are non-technical like me, then skim-read it because all will be quite clear. Apart from anything else it will remind you that whilst a picture might be worth a thousand words it's only because it can lie just as well!
And talking of thermometers brings me on to, er, thermometers! Well, these 'thingies' are a bit more complicated than the glass tube that 'Nursie' sticks in your mouth but they do a similar job for scientists measuring so-called 'greenhouse gases' in the atmosphere. Alas, these instruments upon which the AGW 'Warmers' have been relying turn out to be about as much use as Watts's weather stations surrounded by concrete. The Climate Realists site has the details:
Researchers from Canada, USA, Mexico and Britain this week announce a startling discovery that destroys 20 years’ of thinking among government climatologists.
Climate scientists had long believed infrared thermometers measured thermal radiation from the atmosphere and assumed it was 'proof' of the greenhouse gas effect (GHE). Their assumption was that infrared thermometers (IRT’s) were measuring ‘back radiated’ heat from greenhouse gases (including water vapor and carbon dioxide). But damning new evidence proves IRT's do no such thing.
Now a world-leading manufacturer of these high-tech instruments, Mikron Instrument Company Inc., has confirmed that IRT’s are deliberately set to AVOID registering any feedback from greenhouse gases. Thus climate scientists were measuring everything but the energy emitted by carbon dioxide and water vapor.
Read it and weep - with laughter!
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