It can't go on like this, surely. I know that politicians in pursuit of power will eat shit, smile and ask for more, but not when the shit is being shovelled by their erstwhile 'partners' in coalition. How much more can the Tories take as, in a reversal of roles, the scrawny weakling kicks sand in the face of the big guy? 'Dim Dave' can take it, of course, just so long as it keeps his arse firmly planted in No. 10 but what about the rest of them? Are they all prepared to be treated as harshly and rudely by their Lib-Dem so-called 'partners' as they will be by the Labour party? If so, they're a gutless crowd of total tossers and they deserve the fate that will await them in due course.
The coming catastrophe in Europe, as well as the looming one approaching Britain as Osborne's useless tinkering is shown up as a pathetic failure to get a real grip, is all the excuse any shrewd leader would need to take himself off to the country as soon as possible and seek a new mandate quickly on the grounds that one party leadership will be required for the nation to weather the storm. The 'il-Lib-non-Dems' will be crushed for rocking the boat at a time of national danger. Of course, 'Dave' will never do it because deep down he is an 'il-Lib-non-Dem' at heart. So where is the Tory 'Old Guard'? The men in pin-striped suits capable of taking in the decanter of whisky and the loaded revolver to the PM's study? Not a sign of them anywhere amongst the rabble of spivs, PR merchants and con-men who constitute most of the latter-day Tory party.
God, what an absolute shower!
Agreed. They do seem to be taking a lot of nonsense from the little party, but then again they probably dimly remember that they didn't actually win an election. Not winning against Brown must do a lot to dent the confidence....
Posted by: Whyaxye | Monday, 19 September 2011 at 21:02
Quite so, Whyaxye - and welcome to D&N - and it should have dented some reputations, too, starting with 'Dave's'!
Posted by: David Duff | Monday, 19 September 2011 at 21:12