'Dim Dave', doubly dim because he failed to heed my advice to pick a fight with 'Cleggon' and go to the country after the Tory party conference, has one last chance. The Euro pot is bubbling nicely and today a really noxious smell is rising after Commision consiglieri Barroso added a dash of financial transaction tax to the stew, cheered to the rafters by all those Brit-loving Euro politicians - not. However, more important is the almost certain financial demands to be made on this country to help the poor Germans pay for the shit storm they helped to create. That will be 'Dave's chance to say enough is enough (my life already - well he might get the Jewish vote then!) and back the il-Lib-non-Dems into a corner. With a bit of luck they might even split. All he has to do is handle the coming riots strikes sensibly whilst Labour under the less-than-inspiring 'leadership' of adenoidal Ed cringe in embarrassment, then having rid himself of the 'Cleggons' he can go to the country before the pathetic but feared cuts that little George has promised actually take effect. It's a 'no-brainer'! On the other hand, 'Dave' appears to have no brain so it almost certainly will not happen.
This sounds like a credible plan. He would be the first ever PM with less than 15% of the country's vote, but it would probably be enough to secure victory.
Posted by: Whyaxye | Wednesday, 28 September 2011 at 18:51
You may be right because the rest of us might have fled to Patagonia or Iceland by then!
Posted by: David Duff | Wednesday, 28 September 2011 at 21:44