She keeps saying 'no', over and over again but, hey, fellas, we know, don't we, that 'no' really means 'yes' when it comes from a woman! Alas, I have lost the link now but a few days ago she stated that as Secretary of State she is now out of domestic politics and intends that she should remain so.
But even she should know by now that her chances of government office are rapidly dwindling as Obama and his crew swill gently down the plug-hole of history. According to (via Drudge):
The most popular national political figure in America today is one who was rejected by her own party three years ago: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Nearly two-thirds of Americans hold a favorable view of her and one-third are suffering a form of buyer’s remorse, saying the U.S. would be better off now if she had become president in 2008 instead of Barack Obama.
She even scores well amongst her opponents:
A plurality of Tea Party supporters -- 44 percent -- say the U.S. would be better off with Hillary Clinton as president, even though 59 percent of those respondents have an unfavorable impression of her.
Even more important, according to the wise-acres who know about these things 'over there', she scores well amongst independents:
Ninety percent of Democrats like Clinton, compared to 35 percent of Republicans and 63 percent of independents. (My emphasis)
Will she, won't she? Who knows, but it reminds me of another contrary lady, MDS, who has yet to put up or shut up. I tremble and could become over-excited at the thought of those two, er, 'sisters' going at it next summer. Bring it on!
Hasn't Hellary pretty much sworn not to run? On t'other hand, Old Tebbit had a nice quotation at the Telegraph today:
"Our fathers took oaths as of old they took wives,
to have and to hold for the term of their lives.
But we take our oaths, as our whores, for our ease,
and a whore and a rogue may part when they please."
Posted by: dearieme | Saturday, 17 September 2011 at 21:10
Nice one, DM!
Posted by: David Duff | Sunday, 18 September 2011 at 12:12