Yes, I know, not exactly good looking is he? Not likely to excite you ladies, I suppose, well, until you find out that he's worth trillions-of-zillions, that is, in which case you might find him slightly more attractive!
His name is 'Soros, George Soros' and he is licensed to kill - currencies, that is! I am obliged to 'Publius' at Breitbart Big Government (an excellent site) for reminding me that it was 19 years ago almost to the day that 'Big George' rode to the rescue of Britain by attacking our currency. It was in 1992 that John Major attempted to ease us into joining the European Exchange Rate Mechanism, the first step to the euro. Soros really rocked the foreign exchange markets and the ensuing panic resulted, not for the first time, in Britain beating a hasty retreat from the continent and ill-advised foreign adventures.
In America today, Soros is a totally malignant force for evil and it is an irony worth relishing that we have him to thank for our near escape. Similarly, of course, we should not forget to offer our deep gratitude to GordonBrown(*), another unlikely hero, who later also dug in his heels and refused to allow Blair to take us into the euro. Statues of both these men should share that empy plinth in Trafalgar Square. They'd make a nice couple!
(*) I am grateful to my commenter Andrew Duffin (no relation!) for correcting me when I originally referred to Gordon Brown as 'George' Brown. That is the second time I have made that mistake, I really think I must consult my psychiatrist because obviously the horrors of George Brown must have deeply disturbed my id, or my wallet, or something!
"...George, this time by the name of Brown..."
I think you've got seriously mixed up here.
The one who wouldn't let Bliar force us into the Euro was the otherwise unspeakable Gordon Brown.
George Brown was an old soak who was for a while a member of Wislon's cabinet back in the 70's.
Posted by: Andrew Duffin | Friday, 16 September 2011 at 12:23
Thanks, Andrew, duly corrected but this is the second time in recent months that I have confused the pair of them. Oh dear, senility approaches!
Posted by: David Duff | Friday, 16 September 2011 at 13:00
Thank Soros? Nosiree!
As this abstract attests in 1998 Soros suggested that the UK should dump the pound and adopt the euro.
BTW it wasn't difficult to make a bit speculating against the pound in 1992. F*** me, even Mrs U (admittedly the daughter of a well-known, but now deceased, economist) opted to ignore her bank manager's advice and risked part of her savings to buy a sh*t-load of dollars just as the idiots in charge splurged billions failing to keep sterling in the ERM. Mrs U's profit paid for our annual holiday for the succeeding 10 or so years.
Posted by: Umbongo | Friday, 16 September 2011 at 15:24
I have no doubts, 'Bongers', the man is an A1 shit of the first order but, whatever his motivation, he did us all an enormous favour.
As for your wife, she joins my pantheon of heroes and heroines - Gawd bless 'er!
Posted by: David Duff | Friday, 16 September 2011 at 16:04
Agreed, Soros did us an inadvertent favour. As for Brown, as you imply, the same applies. Had Blair wanted not to adopt the euro, Brown would have moved heaven and earth to dump the pound. As to Mrs U, she didn't tell me what she was doing (women are sooo independent these days!). She says that it was, after all, her money and, more to the point and probably correctly, I would only have have tried to dissuade her. Gawd bless 'er indeed.
Posted by: Umbongo | Friday, 16 September 2011 at 16:39
Well, at least you enjoyed a few good holidays out of it!
Posted by: David Duff | Friday, 16 September 2011 at 17:22