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Monday, 31 October 2011


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A couple of things you may enjoy.

About the euro crisis,

and the book mentined the last one in that list of five, wich all reviews coincide to say it is very good. Too bad the price! I will have to wait to second hand in or the paperback edition.

Damn, the cartoon wouldn't run properly on my machine - next week it is going to have Windows 7 fitted and a 10,000 mile service!

The books look very interesting although I have Taylor's book which I must have read 30-plus years ago. I think I might give it another read, I am enjoying re-reading my old books, at least I'm not disappointed as I sometimes am with new books.

That is the book I was pointing to,

Too bad we are in the ¿middle? (we wish!) of a crisis and the price is so high.

It seems there is a previous volume.

Ortega, I have just read your first link which is an excellent review of the book which it praises highly, although it is interesting to read his criticism of the poor editing of the manuscript. Perhaps I should apply for the job! Anyway, you are right, we must wait for the paperback edition. Thanks for the tip.

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