Poor old Will, misquoted again; sorry, mate, couldn't resist it! Well, it's driving me to drink (as though I needed a lift!) everytime 'Ed 'n' Ed' start harping on about all those beastly cuts 'Lord Gradgrind' Osborne is inflicting on us, I keep telling you - there are no bloody cuts! It's just that cuts in one department are leading to even greater expenditure in others. If you doubt me, here is a pretty picture from the ONS courtesy of The Spectator:
As that nice, polite, young Fraser Nelson points out:
So in the last 12 months, the UK government current spending totaled £613.5bn – the highest figure in British history. If this is austerity, I’d hate to see profligacy.
Given that, dare we look at our national debt? Oh, take that as a not ****ing likely, shall I? Again, young Master Nelson uses government figures to show us what a dedicated and responsible (not) prime minister we have:
And this is the self-same prime minister who, with his glove-puppet in the Treasury chorusing along with him, keeps prating to us all on the need to cut our borrowing:
Duly obedient, personal debt has dropped whilst 'Dave's Debt' has gone up like a rocket. The words, 'pot', 'kettle' and 'black', amongst others, occurs. Nelson reminds us that in the run up to the election 'Devious Dave', the liar's liar, made a point of the fact that every baby born in Brown's Britain was automatically saddled with a £17k debt. The Tory party even produced a clever advert to illustrate their point:
So what has 'caring', 'responsible' 'Daddy Dave' done about it:
Bugger all, are the words you're searching for!
Nah, probably the awful worstest.
Posted by: Andra | Saturday, 22 October 2011 at 08:04