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Monday, 06 February 2012


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Spot the gratuitous Withnail quote!

Well done, sir.

Thank you, Andrew, although I'm not too sure who Withnail is, or was!

I think I knew him when he was nailless.

"But what of 'Becks'? He's dead good-looking, possessed of an athlete's physique, probably richer than the Queen of England and idolised the world over. So, Herr Professer Freud or Jung or whatever, how do you explain that one, eh?!"

He's stupid.

Tut-tut, 'W', you are never going to achieve your Masters in Psycho-Babble-Ology with that sort of attitude. In fact, much more of that and you will have to hand back your yo-yo!

Someone tell me who this 'Nail-whatever' character is!

Cult film. I thought it was shit.

I vaguely know the name but not the details - I assumed it was a TV series. However, I spotted this on the Wiki link:

"In August 2009 The Observer polled 60 eminent British film filmmakers and film critics who voted it the second best British film of the last 25 years"

Tells you all you need to know about critics!

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