Some time ago I asked if David Ruffley MP was the most pig-ignorant MP in the Commons and today I have my answer - a resounding YES! I happened to catch a fragment of Sky News in which some loud-mouthed oik was haranguing poor old Alistair Darling who is, whatever other faults he might have, always quiet and reasonable in his tone. However, that did not stop the mouthy yob facing him who appeared to be the amalgam of all the Saloon Bar 'know-it-alls' you could ever wish to avoid. "Is he that shit-for-brains MP I once wrote about?" I wondered just as a sub-title came up telling me that it was indeed Mr. David Ruffley MP for Bury St. Edmonds which should change its name as rapidly as possible to 'Bury David Ruffley'!
Oddly enough, I was intending to write a post today pointing out what a deeply nauseous experience it is watching and listening to MPs howling after Sir Fred Goodwin and now cheering because his knighthood has been removed - which is why I shall continue to give him his title. Has Sir Fred committed a grave crime? Fiddled the books at his old bank, perhaps? Given his PA a seeing-to over a ministerial desk as some of our, er, 'Honourable Members' are prone to do? No, all he did was what vitually all bankers were doing in the 'naughties' only he did it bigger and when his bank went broke it went broke with a louder bang. And what was Mr. Ruffley doing whilst this was going on? Well, apparently he was trying to top himself by jumping under a train possibly because of his conscience - do stop giggling! - over his exorbitant expense claims. Or, possibly he knew the crash was coming and thought he'd end it all! I don't know but what I do know is that, incompetent even in self-destruction, this buffoon missed both the train and the live wire.
Alistair Darling, having some regard for natural justice, entirely missing from Mr. Ruffley's legal experience - well why not, he's only an ex-solicitor after all - was pointing out the dangers of picking and punishing one man for a misdemeanor of which many were guilty. I would also suggest that David 'when's the 6.49 due in' Ruffley also takes a look in the House of Lords and checks to see how many Lords and Ladies there are with criminal records but still on the public payroll?
Finally, one is reluctantly forced to ask the question as to exactly how stupid are the voters of Bury St. Edmonds? I realise that one's suspicions are raised on account of how very much they all resemble each other but surely they still retain their sense of smell!
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