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Wednesday, 21 March 2012


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"Now, my problem is, what the hell do I write about next?"

If it's request time, I'd like to suggest that you address the topic of John Berk-cow and his kaleidoscope queens.

Open goal. Just tap it in to keep us happy...

Has he put up the tax on cider? Because if he has we'd better hotfoot it to Messrs Majestic (who stock a fine Suffolk cider).

'W', I do try to please my customers, so to speak, but that is a request too far!

DM, sorry, but I wouldn't cross the road for a glass of cider whatever the price - and 'Oi lives in Zomerzet, too'!

"Now, my problem is, what the hell do I write about next?"

Back to 'Homeland', matey.

P.S. a ciderphobe? Shame on you.

Oh God, DM, I've just remembered I have a recorded episode unwatched which is, I suppose, an unspoken commnet!

Sorry about the cider, but "it's all according to taste as the man said when he kissed the cow"! An old saying of my Ma's and she was a 'Jockette'!

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