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Tuesday, 27 March 2012


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If this is indicative of his writing then I for one shall be including Mr. Theodore Dalrymples opinions in my regular reading list!

This interweb thingy is a boon in so many ways not least in that I now no longer feel an oddity in my exasperation at life in Britain today (and to be brutally honest, total and utter disgust in those in power). I wonder at times why it is that, with so many people showing evidence of intelligence, understanding and integrity, we never see even one in the corridors of power.

Whilst that old saw 'Power corrupts' may be true, I believe the other, that 'Power attracts the corruptible' is truer still.

'Power attracts the corruptible'

Yes, I like that one, Able. Still, look at the post above for some Good News and cheer yourself up!

"the sight of the plump, smug features of Ken Clarke"
Far too 'respectful! His pals in Government when describing common people describe that build as fat, obese or even morbidly obese.
At least go some of the way and rephrase it as 'fat arrogant'.

Dalrymple is unfailingly brilliant.

Worth looking at in this context is a new book by Jonathan Haidt in which he analyses some of the problems with contemporary liberalism. The following quote is from "Prospect" magazine's review:

"Like Steven Pinker, Haidt is a liberal who wants his political tribe to understand humans better. His main insight is simple but powerful: liberals understand only two main moral dimensions, whereas conservatives understand all five. (Over the course of the book he decides to add a sixth, liberty/oppression, but for simplicity’s sake I am sticking to his original five.)

Liberals care about harm and suffering (appealing to our capacities for sympathy and nurturing) and fairness and injustice. All human cultures care about these two things but they also care about three other things: loyalty to the in-group, authority and the sacred."

Dalrymple cares, it seems, for all five. Sometimes we need to be tough and decisive in order to show respect and concern.

If you like "power corrupts" the laddie you want to read is Lord Acton.

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