Courtesy of les Francaises we bid farewell to the Hungarian dwarf as his miniscule sun sinks in the west! The times, they are a-changing, and not only in France. Like democracies everywhere, public opinion is slow to change and when it does it is usually incoherent and inchoate. The strength of the vote for the extremes indicates to me that it is not just Sarkozy who is out of favour but the entire political set-up which means - Europe. People have seen what are, in effect, dictatorships set up in Greece and Italy with government now being run by Brussels apparatchiks. Very gradually the news is seeping out that all the austerities locked in place by that unlikely pair of 'star-crossed lovers', 'Kaiserin' Merkel and President Sarkozy, are simply a means of protecting German banks and German industry. Now, in an equally bizarre marriage of convenience, the Left-wing Hollande who has already threatened dire nationalist actions against the supra-nationalist European Union, will be taking for his political 'wife' the very astute Marine le Pen whose assessment of Brussels and all its machinations can be summed up in one word - loathsome! If Hollande can cut a deal with her and and her 20% of yesterday's vote he is home and dry and Sarkozy will be left looking for a safe haven from the various corruption investigations currently being pursued. Perhaps, 'Bling-Bling' will be able to join 'Bunga-Bunga' in exile!
A Socialist and a Racist. Now that's the kind of deal that would have some creative tension in it! Our miserable attempt is merely a bunch of public schoolboy wasters with the same kind of background and the same commitment to Europe and being superficially "nice" so they can retain power.
Posted by: Whyaxye | Monday, 23 April 2012 at 10:47
On a further note (and this is the type of subtle and sophisticated political analysis that I know to be the very hallmark of this blog) have you noticed how these French alpha males all get some very nice women? Of course, the pace-setter is that ugly little sod Sorkozy and Carla. But Hollande has children with Segolene Royal, and is now "dating" attractive journalist Valérie Trierweiler. Presumably Hollande also gets to lap up some intellectual pillow-talk, unlike Sarkozy, who presumably spends a lot of time asking if he is as well-endowed as all those rock stars.
Posted by: Whyaxye | Monday, 23 April 2012 at 10:59
Please, 'W', it's Monday morning and I do not under any circs wish to contemplate Sarkozy's, er, endowments! Mind you, if a plain little plodder like Hollande can pull all those gorgeous women I'm beginning to regret my decision not to enter politics!
Posted by: David Duff | Monday, 23 April 2012 at 11:35