We, by which I mean all the nations of the world, are cursed with second-rate, third-rate or even tenth-rate politicians. Poor Argentina seems to have a special factory working non-stop to produce a steady stream of charlatans, crooks and drunks to run their affairs. The latest has the very slight advantage of being marginally better looking than her predecessors and definitely more sober than Galtieri ever was - but that's not saying much!
Here, courtesy of the BBC News site is President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner laying down the law, well, her version of it, at any rate, to the biggest collection of bullies and buffoons in the world - the United Nations. She arrived with a 90-man delegation and proceeded to emote all over the place like an Argie football fan watching his side go down against Brazil. She knows perfectly well that nothing she says will alter anything and that her country is incapable of backing her faux-passionate words with action.
So, one asks, why is she bothering? Well, that's not too difficult. Once again the Argentinian economy is going down like the Belgrano. Ultra-strict foreign exchange laws have been introduced to stop the outflow of capital. This stupid woman has added to her own difficulties by falling out with one of her potential European allies, Spain, by stealing nationalising the Argentinian-based part of a Spanish company. Doubly stupid because as it turned out the company was quite relieved to see it go! In addition, her trade rules have provoked the EU into making a complaint to the World Trade Organisation. The Argentinian peso is so little thought of by her own people that they all try to do business with each other using dollars. This has become so rife that Argentinian tax-inspectors are using dollar-sniffing dogs to find and confiscate any hoards of this 'Yankee money'!
So, like many a political poltroon before her, Cristina Kirchner is whipping up a foreign 'emergency' to keep the people's minds off their woes. Thirty years ago some 650 brave Argentinian soldiers, sailors and airmen were slaughtered in a similarly futile act of bragadoccio. Let's hope this stupid woman does not allow anything similar to happen.
We might complain about the run down of our military but the Argentinians have been running down theirs for 30 years. There is no chance they could stage another invasion.
The biggest threat to the Falklanders is in Westminster/Whitehall.
Posted by: backofanenvelope | Friday, 15 June 2012 at 10:58
Oh God, then all is lost!
Posted by: David Duff | Friday, 15 June 2012 at 12:42
I should think a few 100 acres of that windswept isle given over to a joint UK/Argy Oil Exploitation facility would be a good idea. Enough money to shut the islanders up and enough left over to keep Ms Kirchner in Gucci and Cartier. Money as they say, speaks all languages. Liable to be screwed up by Treasury greed tho.
Posted by: rogerh | Friday, 15 June 2012 at 14:09
In principle you're quite right, Roger, and I think HMG would be happy to cut the Argies into some of the oil/gas possibilities if they would only stop waving the Argie flag!
Posted by: David Duff | Friday, 15 June 2012 at 15:13
O/T, but aware as I am of your devotion to grass cutting, perhaps you might want to take a look at : http://www.taxpayersalliance.com/grassroots/2012/06/mowing-village-greens.html
Selling yourself short - shome mishtake shurely ?
kind regards
Posted by: david morris | Friday, 15 June 2012 at 16:43
I reckon she's your sort, DD. If she were a right-wing republican TV journalist, you would melt.
Posted by: Whyaxye | Friday, 15 June 2012 at 20:00
Well, 'W', I do confess to a weakness for these strong, dominating women - er, so long as they stay the other side of my computer screen, that is!
'Strewth, David, I must be owed a small fortune! Mind you, I never knew grasscutters were called 'lengthsmen', although having checked my OED I think they may have name mis-spelled. A 'lengthman' (no 's') was the title given to a man who was responsible for the upkeep of a stretch of road or railway. Anyway, from now on there will be a bit of respect shown around these columns and I will be refered to as 'Mr. Lengthman Duff' from now on. In the meantime I must ring my lawyer . . . !
Posted by: David Duff | Saturday, 16 June 2012 at 08:36
Is it me or does that bitch look like they just dug her up.
Posted by: Robert the Biker | Saturday, 16 June 2012 at 17:50
I think, in all fairness, it's probably you, 'Biker', old chap, but cling to the thought!
Posted by: David Duff | Saturday, 16 June 2012 at 18:06
From Andra (who had difficulty getting through yesterday):
"I think Mr Biker might just be on to something here.
There is a bit of Morticia Addams about the lady."
Posted by: David Duff | Sunday, 17 June 2012 at 09:21