We had a six-hour power cut last night and I am now finding it difficult to comment - as might you. I will try and rouse - no, not a-rouse - one of those delicious Californian ladies who hold my hand when I'm in trouble with TypePad and hopefully normal service will soon be resumed. If you are having similar troubles please send me your comments via e-mail and I will publish them later.
ADDITIONAL: Aha! I have just remembered, er, my memory! Because of the power cut I had to fill in the details (name, e-mail and website - if you have one) just below the 'Comments' box in order make it work. God, I'm brilliant when I put my mind to it. Now, where did I put my mind, it was here just a minute ago , Darling, have you seen my mind . . .)
Memory? Ah yes, I think I used to have one of those once. The quote that springs to mind, and seems most appropriate is:
"the Regius Professor of Chronology, or ‘Reg’ as he insisted on being called had a memory that he himself had once compared to the Queen Alexandra Birdwing Butterfly, in that it was colourful, flitted prettily hither and thither, and was now, alas, almost completely extinct."
[Douglas Adams, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency]
Appropriate... Now what were we talking about?
Posted by: Able | Monday, 18 June 2012 at 20:40
Look in the freezer next to the jar labelled "Marbles".
Posted by: Andra | Tuesday, 19 June 2012 at 00:15
Can't remember, Able, but Andra has an idea!
Posted by: David Duff | Tuesday, 19 June 2012 at 08:27