Well, whodathunkit? Just as I was giving up on Chicago and beginning to think they had all turned into model, goody-two-shoes, citizen wusses suitable for a model mayor like Rahm Emanuel to rule over them they demonstrated, with three days still to go before year end, the reality behind the ultra-strict gun-control laws operating in Chicago - someone shot the 500th victim of the year! That's the highest body count since the 512 in 2008. Way to go, Rahm, baby!
According to the Chicago-Tribune the dreadful murder stats were all the fault of 'global warming'! Er, well, perhaps not quite that - but almost:
Largely contributing to the spike was the unusual number of homicides that occurred during the early part of the year, when the city experienced unseasonable warmth.
Well, 'over here' we are used to blaming everything on the weather but I can't remember the murder rate figuring in the usual platitudes. Mind you, we haven't had any 'global warming' over here for yonks and if it doesn't stop raining soon I might go and murder little 'Georgie Moonbat'!
And talking, as I was in my previous post, about the MSM feeding us pap, there is perhaps more than meets the eye in the tragedy of the Sandy Hook school shooting. According to one source the family connections of the killer are far more involved than is apparent. For example, the Honda car used by the killer was not registered to his mother as generally reported but to a petty thief and drug addict with connections to the killer's family. Cue non-stop conspiracy theories from now on!
The trouble with being an old codger is that I remeber when it was a lot higher.
http://eclecticmeanderings.blogspot.com/>Hank’s Eclectic Meanderings
Posted by: Hank | Sunday, 30 December 2012 at 02:46
Still, shows you're nippy on your toes, Hank, given that you've dodged all those bullets!
Posted by: David Duff | Sunday, 30 December 2012 at 20:10