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Sunday, 21 April 2013


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"I was curious to see it because it starred (a much younger) Hugh Jackman ..."

If memory serves, it's also got Maureen Lipman as the matriarch?

My wife was once an extra in a TV film starring Maureen Lipman.

Just an idle boast.

Indeed, Julia, and what a trooper she is.

DM, can I have her autograph?

I'm beginning to suspect you have a 'thing' for Huge Ackman.

Able, the only 'thing' I have going for Mr.Jackman is pure, unadulterated envy!

Seems I remember your denigrating us Yanks (specifically "our accents") when we er, not actually me of course perform Shakespeare.

How's Mr. Jackman's "Okie" rendering?

Exactly the opposite, JK, it is a fact that from a purist's point of view (and they don't come much more purist than an 'iambic fundamentalist' like me!) the American accent, or certain types of American accent, are closer to Shakespeare's pronunciation than, say, 'BBC English'. I haven't seen Jackman perform Shakespeare but if you can lay hands on a copy of the 'Oklahoma' show you tell me how well he did with the 'Okie' accent!

Well then, good to see settled science agreed to som'eres on this here blog.


Now, would that be Shakespearean English or Arkie/Okie dialect?

Jest askin'!


D'stinct syllables terdicult. Takes yer breft way.

Ooh, cans't perchance any goodman joiningings't ins't?

"If the science is settled, then it isn't science!"


I aren't no nerd, That's them thar. I's just a high-tech redneck!

The reason behind your lack of clear syllables, JK, lies in the product brewed up 'in them thar hills'!

And it looks like Able's been on it, too!

T'wud peer.

Question is, howdy manage d'sneak, 'n whasda be done?

Also, Maj gwan bringun charges 'gainst me fer upitizin' ya'll Brits langerge skills? Gwona be mad'n anyway?

Oh dear, Mark Twain has much to answer for!

Got a question for you David. You're always questioning my spelling and the "how in the tarnations of it leads to the proper pronounciations?"

Explain somphin fer me woncher? How does "Featherstonhaugh (pronounced “Fanshaw”)?

I only ask cause it says ritecheers: Born in London, England, on April 9, 1780, to George and Dorothy Simpson Featherstonhaugh:

It was a damned clever wheeze got up by us Brits to fool you Yankee rebels! A sort of early example of enciphering a code. You see, old chap, we might look stupid, act stupid and talk stupid but, and here's the clever double bluff, that's because we are stupid! Pip, pip!

Well. That Mister Featherstonhaugh if'n he finds hisself resurrected best just keep to laying around over in the UK. Describing our "delicate female type ladies" thusly would have him helmeting his balls:

Featherstonhaugh reported an encounter with the wife of Jacob Barkman: “I have never seen any one, as far as manners and exterior went, with less pretensions to be classed with the feminine gender. She chewed tobacco, she smoked a pipe, she drank whiskey, and cursed and swore as heartily as any backwoodsman, all at the same time.”

"Less classy" my foot!

A flower of Arkie womanhood, then, JK?

Maybe. If she could carry a deer carcass slung over her shoulders, clean it, and have it ready for supper in time for Mr. Barkman's arrival home from the still - she'd a been what we Arkies nowadays'd reckon - The Whole Hog.

(Of course pickups weren't invented in her time so driving home after a night out couldn't be figured into the equation. However - if she could hitch a pair of mules, I'm figuring she could probably have driven. I'd grade her at least a B+ in today's standards).

"The Whole Hog" - pure poetry, Shakespearean, even!

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